
Die AG Robotik von der Universität Bremen bietet in Kooperation mit dem Robotics Innovation Center von der DFKI GmbH eine ganze Reihe von Seminaren und Vorträgen an. In dieser Reihe sind die Bachelor-, Master- und Diplomarbeiten enthalten. Die Termine werden hier regelmäßig aktualisiert. Externe können in vielen Fällen nach Rücksprache mit dem Sekretariat an den Vorträgen teilnehmen.


 -  14:00 Uhr

Online Terrain Traversability Estimation for Wheel-Legged Rover Exploration

von: Yogeshkarna Govindaraj  (Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg)
In robotics, traversability, the ability of a robot to navigate challenging terrains, remains a significant challenge due to limitations in design, perception, and computation. The hybrid wheel-legged design, exemplified by the SherpaTT rover, offers enhanced mobility in unstructured terrain. Curren…

 -  14:00 Uhr
In this thesis, a neural network model is trained to learn the state transition function of a hydraulic excavator arm or a crane using data driven approach. The excavator arm or crane exhibits highly non linear behaviour due to hydraulic coupling between its actuators, non linearities in valves, par…

 -  13:00 Uhr
Der lunare Mikro-Rover im Projekt SAMLER-KI muss semiautonom in einer herausfordernden und potenziell riskanten Umgebung auf dem Mond agieren. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich darauf, ein Gefahrenerkennungs- und -vermeidungssystem zu entwickeln, das dem Rover ermöglicht, auf der Mondoberfläche effizie…

 -  14:00 Uhr

Hybrid-Driven State Estimation for a Humanoid Robot

von: Lasse Hohmeyer  (Universität Bremen)
State estimation refers to all algorithms calculating the internal state of a robot. Since the true state is always unknown, it has to be estimated based on a series of noisy and inaccurate measurements. This is a crucial task in mobile robotics and a more accurate state estimation almost always lea…

 -  13:00 Uhr
Bipedal and quadruped robots are advancing rapidly, showcasing remarkable abilities in traversing complex terrains and executing diverse tasks. Central to their performance is the accurate detection of foot-toground contact, crucial for maintaining stability and balance. Particularly in challenging …

 -  14:00 Uhr
State-of-the-art robotic learning frameworks struggle in typical real-world scenarios like dynamically changing or unseen environments that require robots to adapt quickly (few-shot and meta-learning). Furthermore, real-world settings require robots to continually learn without forgetting what they …

 -  13:00 Uhr
At DFKI there are several projects related to dynamic applications. The development of a robot that can operate effectively in dynamic environments is becoming increasingly important for several reasons such as demographic, environmental changes and ambitious space missions. Therefore, Much  re…

 -  12:30 Uhr
Today’s quantum processor architectures with more than 1000 superconducting qubits are getting closer to the goal of performing complicated calculations. However, the noisyintermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices that exist at this time are challenged by phenomena like leakage, cross talking betwee…

 -  13:00 Uhr

Outdoor navigation in uneven terrain using learning methods

von: Malika Helapita  (Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (HBRS))
The challenge of robot navigation in uneven outdoor environments is demanding but important application for outdoor mobile robots. Classical geometric approaches have been employed to solve this problem but with limited success. When the terrain becomes exceedingly irregular or if there are tall gra…

 -  13:00 Uhr
Eine wiederkehrende Herausforderung bei Exoskeletten ist die Übertragung von Kräften und Momenten entlang virtueller Achsen, welche sich im menschlichen Körper befinden. Ein Beispiel hierfür ist die Rotation des Beines um dessen Längsachse. Dieser Freiheitsgrad wird von vielen Exoskeletten nicht abg…

zuletzt geändert am 06.09.2024