
Die AG Robotik von der Universität Bremen bietet in Kooperation mit dem Robotics Innovation Center von der DFKI GmbH eine ganze Reihe von Seminaren und Vorträgen an. In dieser Reihe sind die Bachelor-, Master- und Diplomarbeiten enthalten. Die Termine werden hier regelmäßig aktualisiert. Externe können in vielen Fällen nach Rücksprache mit dem Sekretariat an den Vorträgen teilnehmen.

Undergraduated Seminar

 -  01:00 pm
DFKI is setting up a motor test bench to characterize the robotic drives developed in-house. The measurement can be influenced by torsional vibrations and alignment errors. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the setup mechanically to minimize the measurement errors. For this purpose, the natural …

 -  01:00 pm

Untersuchung von Symmetrien in 6D Posenschätzungsmodellen

from: Fabian Stern  (Universität Bremen)
To carry out robotic tasks in the real world it is often required to know the 6D pose of an object. A big hurdle here is that the pose might be ambiguous because some objects are or appear symmetric. There is already a great variety of existing models for pose estimation with very diverse approaches…

 -  01:00 pm
Brachiation is a form of locomotion special for monkeys and gibbons, swinging from one handhold to other using arms. The thesis aims to address the mechatronic design and optimal locomotion of a brachiation-type robot and the system is designed as an underactuated system with fewer actuated joints t…

 -  01:00 pm

Modular Spacecraft Standard Interconnect Benchmark

from: Jona Saffer  (Technische Hochschule Nürnberg)
As part of the PERIOD operational grand of the European Horizon 2020 PERASPERA project, a standard interconnect for modular spacecraft is to be defined.The standard interconnect (SI) shall provide a unified way to connect spacecraft modules mechanically, electrically and with data buses, also, optio…

 -  11:00 am
Im Rahmen des ROBDEKON Kompetenzbereichs wird ein Schreitbagger Robotersystem entwickelt. Dieses umfasst ein Navigationssystem mit einer Routenplanung, welches auf Basis einer elevation map Routen plant. Dieser Routenplaner wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit untersucht und für den Einsatz in unwegsamem…

 -  10:00 am

 -  02:00 pm

 -  01:00 pm

 -  02:30 pm
Unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) are boats that can navigate on the water surface without the need for a human operator on board. Since there are many isturbances and nonlinear effects due to the hydrodynamics of water, there is a need for robust motion control systems. Reinforcement learning provid…

 -  02:00 pm

Design and implementation of a controller for an ROV

from: Yassine Ait Aouicha  (Jacobs University)
Over the last years, robots assumed a much larger role in different applications ranging from civilian drones to search and rescue robots. However, one of the hardest challenges could be to have reliable robots operating underwater under human supervision. From inspection to repair tasks, there is a…

last updated 06.09.2024