
Die AG Robotik von der Universität Bremen bietet in Kooperation mit dem Robotics Innovation Center von der DFKI GmbH eine ganze Reihe von Seminaren und Vorträgen an. In dieser Reihe sind die Bachelor-, Master- und Diplomarbeiten enthalten. Die Termine werden hier regelmäßig aktualisiert. Externe können in vielen Fällen nach Rücksprache mit dem Sekretariat an den Vorträgen teilnehmen.

Undergraduated Seminar

 -  01:00 pm
The importance of legged robots is emphasized, as legged robot locomotion allows highly precise performance and wide spectrum of application, even in rough, unstructured terrain. However, the present challenges in legged robot locomotion are the trade-off between versatility and robustness, and the …

 -  01:00 pm
Bei der Entwicklung von Exoskeletten stellt die Konstruktion der mechanischen Interfaces - also der Anbindungen zwischen Person und System - eine besondere Herausforderung dar. Für eine präzise Kraftübertragung müssen Relativbewegungen zwischen Person und Exoskelett möglichst unterbunden werden. Gle…

 -  01:30 pm

 -  01:00 pm

Robust Co-design for Underactuated Systems

from: Federico Girlanda  (University of Padua)
An approach to obtain an optimal behaviour of a system to achieve a specific task is via an interplay between trajectory optimization, stabilization and design optimization. To find a structured way to deal with this co-optimization is the main objective of the thesis work. The sim-to-real gap repre…

 -  01:00 pm
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the structural survivability of an existing Rover model (Coyote III) for use in space. A Rover experiences various structural loads throughout the course of the mission. These include the intense vibration experienced during the rocket launch, the lunar landi…

 -  01:00 pm

Emotional regulation and coping in assistive/social robots

from: Janssen, Ayden  (Universität Bremen)
While a simple system modeling emotions can make a robot show believable emotions, it can also exhibit socially questionable or unacceptable emotions, like greeting a visitor while being visibly angry. Humans solve this problem by regulating their emotions with regard to the current situation and co…

 -  02:00 pm
2. M.Sc. Vortrag

 -  01:30 pm
The importance of legged robots is emphasized, as legged robot locomotion allows highly precise performance and wide spectrum of application, even in rough, unstructured terrain. However, the present challenges in legged robot locomotion are the trade-off between versatility and robustness, and the …

 -  01:00 pm
An accurate, up-to-date estimation of it's own pose is important for any mobile robot that should be able to navigate in and/or interact with the physical world. While there are many methods of pose estimation, they are often lacking in one or more specific aspects. In particular, they may be inaccu…

 -  01:00 pm

Deviant Tone Detection in lnfants by P3a ERP Classification

from: Robin Kemmerich  (Universität Bremen)
The aim of this study was to implement a machine learning classifier for infant EEG data. Similar classifiers for adults are commonly utilized by brain-computer-interfaces. Three experiments were conducted to test our implementation, with the goal of classifying standard versus deviant/target stimul…

last updated 06.09.2024