Graduiertenseminar/ Brown Bag Talks

Die AG Robotik von der Universität Bremen bietet in Kooperation mit dem Robotics Innovation Center von der DFKI GmbH eine ganze Reihe von Seminaren und Vorträgen an. In dieser Reihe sind die PhD Vorträge, externe Vorträge und interne Projektberichte enthalten. Die Termine werden hier regelmäßig aktualisiert. Externe können in vielen Fällen nach Rücksprache mit dem Sekretariat an den Vorträgen teilnehmen.


 -  14:00 Uhr
DFKI Vortrag
RH1 A 1.03

HySociaTea Project

von: Dr. Sirko Straube  (DFKI GmbH)
The talk summarizes the results of the project HySociaTea (Hybrid Social Teams for Long-Term  Collaboration in Cyber-Physical Environments), which realizes and examines the collaboration of technological augmented humans with autonomous robots, virtual characters and softbots, who work together…

 -  14:00 Uhr
DFKI Vortrag
RH1 A 1.03

BesMan Project

von: Dr.-Ing. José de Gea Fernández  (DFKI GmbH)
Der Vortrag stellt die Ergebnisse des Vorhabens BesMan dar. Des Gesamtzieldes Vorhabens BesMan war die Entwicklung von Verfahren zur ein- undzweiarmigen Manipulation und zum Erlernen neuer, situationsspezifischerVerhaltensweisen mittels einer maschinellen Lernplattform.  In den vergangenen Jahr…

 -  14:00 Uhr
DFKI Vortrag
RH1 A 1.03
Robotic systems are complex mechatronic systems as they combine the domains of mechanical and electrical engineering as well as the discipline of computer science and control theory in a synergetic manner. These characteristics make the robotic domain an intriguing and fascinating field, which easi…

 -  14:00 Uhr
Externer Vortrag
RH1 A 1.03

The European Robotics League (ERL)

von: Marta Palau Franco  (University of the West of England, Bristol)
The European Robotics League (ERL) is a novel European-based common framework for robotics competitions in the fields of Industrial Robots (ERL Industrial Robots), Service Robots (ERL Service Robots) and Emergency Robots (ERL Emergency Robots). The ERL builds on the success of the European funded FP…

 -  14:00 Uhr
DFKI Vortrag
RH1 A 1.03

Robotic component models and their usage in D-Rock

von: Moritz Schilling  (DFKI GmbH)
System-level design of an embedded system - to which a robot can be counted to - takes into account the whole structure of the system during the specification and realization of applications.In other areas, like the digital signal processing community, system-level design is a well-established metho…

 -  14:00 Uhr
DFKI Vortrag
RH1 A 1.03
While serial robots are known for their versatility in applications, larger workspace, simpler modeling and control, they have certain disadvantages like limited precision, lower stiffness and poor dynamic characteristics in general. A parallel robot can offer higher stiffness, speed, accuracy and p…

 -  13:00 Uhr
DFKI Vortrag
RH1 A 1.03
Improving the control and guidance of unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) operating in unkown or dynamic environments is a challenging task, which is faced with lots of uncertainties when it comes to modeling the motion behavior of such robots. Such uncertainties arise from modeling complex physical…

 -  14:00 Uhr
DFKI Vortrag
RH1 A 1.03
The project MOONWALK was conducted from 2012 to 2016 and concluded with two earth-analogue simulations in 2016: a) at a strip mine in Rio Tinto, Spain, representing a Mars analogue environment and b) at sea floor level in the coastal area of Marseille, France, representing a Moon analogue environmen…

 -  14:00 Uhr
Externer Vortrag
RH1 A 1.03
For more than 40 years, CDA InterCorp has been the leader in designing and manufacturing of extremely reliable Controllable Drive Actuators, Eddy Current Dampers, and Rotary Transducers for space and related support applications. CDA’s standard modular design concept, with off-the-shelf-technology…

 -  11:00 Uhr
Externer Vortrag
RH1 A 1.03

zuletzt geändert am 06.09.2024