Graduiertenseminar/ Brown Bag Talks

Die AG Robotik von der Universität Bremen bietet in Kooperation mit dem Robotics Innovation Center von der DFKI GmbH eine ganze Reihe von Seminaren und Vorträgen an. In dieser Reihe sind die PhD Vorträge, externe Vorträge und interne Projektberichte enthalten. Die Termine werden hier regelmäßig aktualisiert. Externe können in vielen Fällen nach Rücksprache mit dem Sekretariat an den Vorträgen teilnehmen.


 -  12:00 Uhr
Externer Vortrag
RH5 117

Adaptive Learning of Context for Pattern Recognition

von: Prof. Dr. Marcin Grzegorzek  (Research Group for Pattern Recognition, Institute for Vision and Graphics, University of Siegen)
Existing pattern recognition approaches can be roughly divided into two categories. The first ones (scientific methods) are very generic and methodologically advanced, but they feature limited robustness in real-world environments and, therefore, cannot be applied in concrete application domains wit…

 -  14:00 Uhr
Externer Vortrag
RH5 117

Visual Prediction and Extrafoveal Grasping

von: Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Schenck  (Computer Engineering Group, Faculty of Technology, Bielefeld University)
There exists ample evidence that the brain performs sensory prediction for motor control and perception. Since many species rely heavily on vision, sensory prediction in the visual domain is of special interest for computational modeling. Two studies on this topic will be presented. In the first stu…

 -  13:00 Uhr
DFKI Vortrag
RH5 117
This will be a short presentation of the basic concept of my PhD thesis. Motivated by the problems arising in adaptive classification of time series data. The goal is to use mathematical means for - modeling and comparing a group of classifiers - defining and finding sparse classifiers for multi-s…

 -  13:00 Uhr
DFKI Vortrag
RH5 117
The design of a planetary rover is a complex and concurrent engineering process which involves several iterations and phases presenting many challenges during the whole process . The design is driven by mission requirements and environmental constraints that affect the final rover concept. The local…

 -  13:00 Uhr
DFKI Vortrag
RH5 117
The talk will deal with a fundamental problem in robotics and artificial intelligence: How to bridge the gap between semantics and perception. The semantic domain can be described as a set of symbols and meanings in the ontology which describe things. Symbolic representation is the way how things in…

 -  13:00 Uhr
DFKI Vortrag
RH5 117
The goal is to develop a manipulating anthropomorphic walker at DFKI. Experiences from some projects at DFKI, e.g. iStruct, AILA etc. should flow into the development. With regard to boundary conditions, first evaluations and concepts will presented.

 -  13:00 Uhr
Externer Vortrag
RH5 117

Disparity patterns in a HMAX mode

von: Sven Eberhardt  (Human Neurobiologie - Institut für Hirnforschung)
In biologically motivated models for object segmentation and recognition, the ability to do stereo vision is often overlooked. Here I will present a model inspired by the ventral stream of the human visual cortex, which integrates disparity information of local features into a pattern recognition hi…

 -  13:00 Uhr
DFKI Vortrag
RH5 117

Embodied Data for Localisation and Mapping

von: Jakob Schwendner  (DFKI GmbH)
Robot localisation and mapping in its current state is dominated by the application of optical sensors in conjunction with probabilistic methods for sensor fusion. While attractive in structured environments, especially indoors, this approach does not always yield the desired results in unstructured…

 -  12:30 Uhr
DFKI Vortrag
RH5 117
This talk gives an overview about the current status and the planned work of the CAPIO project. Alternative concepts for the dual-arm exoskeleton - that also cover the human upper torso, and the human hands - are explained together with a design methodology that aims at improving the kinematics arch…

 -  13:00 Uhr
DFKI Vortrag
RH5 117

CoHoN - Communication in Heterogeneous Networks

von: Steffen Planthaber, Jan Vogelgesang  (DFKI GmbH)
Communication methods in modern robotic systems are connecting multiple sensors, actuators, micro-controllers and embedded PCs. A lot of development time is used to set up communication between and within those systems. Modern robot control middlewares like e.g. ROS, Orocos and others improving this…

zuletzt geändert am 06.09.2024