Graduiertenseminar/ Brown Bag Talks

Die AG Robotik von der Universität Bremen bietet in Kooperation mit dem Robotics Innovation Center von der DFKI GmbH eine ganze Reihe von Seminaren und Vorträgen an. In dieser Reihe sind die PhD Vorträge, externe Vorträge und interne Projektberichte enthalten. Die Termine werden hier regelmäßig aktualisiert. Externe können in vielen Fällen nach Rücksprache mit dem Sekretariat an den Vorträgen teilnehmen.


 -  13:45 Uhr
DFKI Vortrag
RH5 117
The aim of the project "SpaceClimber" is the development of a biologically inspired, energy-efficient, and adaptively free-climbing robot to provide mobility in steep and unstructured terrain. Regions, such as rock fields, which require highly mobile systems in order to carry out in-situ examinatio…

 -  13:00 Uhr
DFKI Vortrag
RH5 117
We will give a brief introduction into the project "IMMI".The aim of project "IMMI" is the development of key technologies that allow adaptive real-time brain reading (BR). Essentially, BR in humans comprises the objectives of estimation of mental states and the prediction of behavior, based on anal…

 -  13:00 Uhr
DFKI Vortrag
RH5 117
Since 70s when the NASA started to research on Flexible Robots, the flexible manipulators have been around the robotics community. Although, Flexible manipulators have found applications only in space applications, like the Canadarm and the Space Station Remote Manipulator System, or SSRMS. Industr…

 -  13:45 Uhr
DFKI Vortrag
RH5 117
The project RIMRES uses a multi-robot system with an ability to perform reconfiguration for increase fault tolerance. The robotic system will not operate completely autonomously, but be monitored and (semi-)supervised by human operators from a mission control center. To achieve its goals RIMRES de…

 -  13:00 Uhr
DFKI Vortrag
RH5 117

RIMRES - Project Presentation

von: Florian Cordes  (DFKI GmbH)
In RIMRES, a wheeled rover, a legged scout and several immobile payload units are developed. The systems will work together in a tightly coupled fashion. Therefore, an electro mechanical interface is developed to facilitate the connection of the systems. For operation of the systems, a software fram…

 -  13:00 Uhr
DFKI Vortrag
RH5 117
Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM) is a classification and pattern recognition framework modeled on the neocortex. One of the features that makes this framework different from others is its use of "time as a supervisor" to create invariant representations. For this reason, HTM models are trained wit…

 -  13:00 Uhr
Externer Vortrag
RH5 117

Robotic Perception Using Vision and Tactility

von: Martin Görner + Michael Suppa  (DLR Institut für Robotik und Mechatronik)
The goal of DLRs research is to enable a wholistic perception of robotic systems using the two predominant robot senses vision and tactility. Perception and cognition are elementary components for tele-operated, assistance and autonomous robot systems, due to the fact that they enable reactive behav…

 -  13:00 Uhr
DFKI Vortrag
RH5 117
In classical industrial robotics, robots are concealed within structured and well-known environments performing highly-repetitive tasks. In contrast, current robotic applications require more direct interaction with humans, cooperating with them to achieve a common task and entering home scenarios. …

 -  13:00 Uhr
Externer Vortrag
RH5 117

Characterization and Modeling of Inertial Sensors for Rover Attitude Estimation

von: Javier Hidalgo Carrió  (European Space Agency - Polécnica University of Madrid)
On-going European developments in Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) sensors sponsored significantly by the European Space Agency (ESA) offer a suitable level of performance for spacecrafts. Solid-state technology offers mechanical robustness, with low power consumption, mass and size, which ar…

 -  13:00 Uhr
DFKI Vortrag
RH5 117
Space robotics is becoming more and more important in recent years. Missions and situations that can be too risky for humans are well suited for robotic agents. However, autonomous manipulation and navigation in robotic systems is not yet advanced enough to deal with complex situations in space miss…

zuletzt geändert am 06.09.2024