
IMMI - Intelligent Man-Machine Interface - Adaptive Brain-reading for assistive robotics

We will give a brief introduction into the project "IMMI".The aim of project "IMMI" is the development of key technologies that allow adaptive real-time brain reading (BR). Essentially, BR in humans comprises the objectives of estimation of mental states and the prediction of behavior, based on analyses of brain activity. In contrary to ordinary Brain Computer Interface (BCI) approaches, Brain Reading (BR) is based on the the concept of observing an operator without distracting him from his actual task. Hence, the focus lies on a passive supervision of the operator rather than on an active steering of robots or protheses through thoughts. The BR System reads the brain by detecting and interpreting specific changes in the brain waves. These variations can, e.g., give insight into the processing of information that is presented to the operator. The control system can make use of this knowledge in order to prepare proactive, situation-specific actions. Thus, telemanipulation tasks gain in effectiveness and intuition for the operator. On the other hand, a misinterpretation of the operators intentions can never jeopardize the overall scenario, as no systems are controlled directly.


Brain reading systems are considered adaptive (aBR) if they are able to compensate autonomously varying environmental conditions, different users and scenarios. The development of real-time aBR systems would allow maximum flexibility for all kinds of applications and can hence be seen as a new generation of man-machine interfaces. Applications for such interfaces related to space missions include the administration of semi-autonomous exploration missions, maintenance tasks on space stations, and manipulation jobs in general, such as, e.g., setting up and conducting experiments inside and outside the ISS.


Raum Seminarraum 117, Robert-Hooke-Str. 5 in Bremen

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zuletzt geändert am 31.03.2023
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