Graduiertenseminar/ Brown Bag Talks

Die AG Robotik von der Universität Bremen bietet in Kooperation mit dem Robotics Innovation Center von der DFKI GmbH eine ganze Reihe von Seminaren und Vorträgen an. In dieser Reihe sind die PhD Vorträge, externe Vorträge und interne Projektberichte enthalten. Die Termine werden hier regelmäßig aktualisiert. Externe können in vielen Fällen nach Rücksprache mit dem Sekretariat an den Vorträgen teilnehmen.

Graduated Seminar/ Brown Bag Talks

 -  01:00 pm
DFKI Vortrag
RH5 117

Context-based Locomotion Control for Legged Exploration Systems

from: Alexander Dettmann  (Uni Bremen AG Robotik)
Walking robots controlled with behavior-based approaches are well suited to explore unstructured terrain. Their reactive behaviors are able to control the complex locomotor system to overcome obstacles and inclines without the need of planning. But especially in space or search and rescue missions, …

 -  04:00 pm
DFKI Vortrag
RH5 117
Robotic space exploration still relies to main parts on manual interaction between operators and remotely exploring systems. Meanwhile, space agencies are under "pressure to reduce manpower during routine mission operations", and the application of autonomous systems shows a potential appr…

 -  01:00 pm
DFKI Vortrag
RH5 213A
Structure from motion and structure from light are usually regarded separately. To combine both methods, using the same images to retrieve three dimensional information about the environment, both methods must work side by side without interfering each other. This research work describes how laser l…

 -  01:00 pm
Externer Vortrag
RH5 117

24 GHz FMCW Radar Sensor for Distance, Angle and Speed Measurements

from: Reinhard Kulke / Tobias Klein  (IMST GmbH)
IMST will present and demonstrate its 24 GHz FMCW Radar technology. The 2-channel sensor is a miniaturized, ultralight radar unit. This system comprises a manifold configurable RF frontend with digital signal processing and programmable interface. The controller allows flexible generation of radar s…

 -  01:00 pm
DFKI Vortrag
RH5 117

TransTerrA - Projektvorstellung

from: Dr. Ingo Scholz  (DFKI GmbH)
Das Vorhaben TransTerrA hat am 1. Mai 2013 begonnen und wir das DFKI RIC in den nächsten vier Jahren beschäftigen. Mit einem Umfang von beinahe 8 Mio. Euro ist es das bis dahin größte Projekt am RIC, und wird entsprechend viele Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des RIC betreffen. Dieser Brown Bag Tal…

 -  01:00 pm
DFKI Vortrag
RH5 117

How to Ph.D. at DFKI

from: Prof. Dr. Frank Kirchner  (DFKI GmbH)
Ph.D. research: Some hints on how to and what is important

 -  01:00 pm
Externer Vortrag
RH5 117
Die InnoWi GmbH begleitet als Patent- und Vermarktungsagentur die Erfindungen aus den Hochschulen und Instituten in Bremen und Nord-West-Niedersachsen von der Idee bis zur Markteinführung. Unter anderem prüft die InnoWi, ob zu einer Erfindung die Anmeldung von Schutzrechten möglich und auch sinnvoll…

 -  12:00 pm
DFKI Vortrag
RH5 117
In the recent past, mobile robots played an important role in the field of extraterrestrial surface exploration. Unfortunately, the currently available space exploration rovers do not provide the necessary mobility to reach scientifically interesting places in rough and steep terrain like boulder fi…

 -  11:00 am
Externer Vortrag
RH5 117
Vector fields are common products of physics simulations. Simulations over black-oil reservoirs, for instance, can generate oil, water and gas flow data. For better understanding of such data, it is interesting to use a visualization technique that allows better identification of both local characte…

 -  01:00 pm
DFKI Vortrag
RH5 117

Mobile Magnetic Disturbance Navigation

from: Leif Christensen  (DFKI GmbH)
Using the earth magnetic field has a very long history in navigation.In most cases, magnetic disturbances are unwanted noise and there exist several techniques trying to compensate these disturbances. This talk will give an introduction into the inverse way: not trying to compensate, but make use of…

last updated 06.09.2024