Graduiertenseminar/ Brown Bag Talks

Die AG Robotik von der Universität Bremen bietet in Kooperation mit dem Robotics Innovation Center von der DFKI GmbH eine ganze Reihe von Seminaren und Vorträgen an. In dieser Reihe sind die PhD Vorträge, externe Vorträge und interne Projektberichte enthalten. Die Termine werden hier regelmäßig aktualisiert. Externe können in vielen Fällen nach Rücksprache mit dem Sekretariat an den Vorträgen teilnehmen.

Graduated Seminar/ Brown Bag Talks

 -  12:30 pm
DFKI Vortrag
RH5 117
Robust pipeline tracking is critical for AUV technology to succeed in the commercial sector. To address this topic an internal project was started to enhance the existing AUV AVALON to be capable of tracking and following pipelines in shallow water. This talk will give a brief overview of this proje…

 -  01:00 pm
DFKI Vortrag
RH5 117
By no doubt, the problem of inverse kinematics is the most important part of studying the motion of mechanical systems. In this article, a mathematical solution to the problem of inverse kinematics in a mechanical manipulator is introduced, developed and generalized for various conventions of repres…

 -  01:00 pm
Externer Vortrag
RH5 117

Moon-Rover Development and the Challenge to the Moon

from: Robert Böhme, Google Lunar X-Prize Team
Robert Böhme is the leader of the "Part-Time Scientists", one of the participating teams of the "Google Lunar X-Prize". The "Lunar X-Prize" is an international challenge to develop and operate a real mission to land a rover on the moon. Arrived to the surface of the moon the rover is supposed to acc…

 -  01:00 pm
Externer Vortrag
RH5 117

Maritime Logistik - Schiff und Terminal

from: Prof. Jens Froese  (Jacobs University Bremen)
Die Schifffahrt gilt technologisch als nicht progressiv und der Tradition verpflichtet. Der Vortrag bietet einen Streifzug durch die Welt des Seetransports an Bord, und an Land. Eine Kurzvorstellung der Kernprozesse soll die Möglichkeit zur Diskussion über vorhandene Automatisierungspotenziale eröff…

 -  01:00 pm
Externer Vortrag
RH5 117
The I4Copter (quadrocopter) project started as an evaluation and educational platform for application domains for which it is intended to be a creditable demonstrator for safety-critical mission scenarios. Beyond computer science, a quadrocopter is a physically highly complex system and the buildin…

 -  11:00 am
Externer Vortrag
RH5 117

Life modular robots!

from: Dr. Juan Gonzalez-Gomez  (School of Engineering Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
In this talk some of the modular robots we have developed in cooperation with the TAMS group from the University of Hamburg are shown and live demonstrations will be performed. Our research is focused on the locomotion capabilities of the 1D topology modular robots, like caterpillar, snakes and so o…

 -  01:00 pm
DFKI Vortrag
RH5 117

AG Navigation and Planning

from: Sylvain Joyeux  (DFKI GmbH)
In this talk, I will present how the navigation and planning AG worked until now, and the subjects that have been discussed. I will focus on the AG ongoing work: to define a common environment representation that is suitable for all the projects that need such a component.

 -  01:00 pm
DFKI Vortrag
RH5 117

Arbeitsgruppe Lokomotion und Mobilität

from: Felix Grimminger  (DFKI GmbH)
In this talk we will give an overview of our results as a Locomotion and Mobility workgroup. We will discuss important aspects of robot design and control regarding the mobility of our systems. Multiple examples and iterations of robot foot and leg designs will be presented. We will also describe ho…

 -  01:00 pm
DFKI Vortrag
RH5 117

Arbeitsgruppe Simulation

from: Dr.-Ing. Yong-Ho Yoo  (DFKI GmbH)
This talk will give an overview of simulation methods and simulation environments which until now have been discussed in the AG Simulation. In particular, we talk about requirements and improvements of our simulation environments to be able to well support simulation works in the DFKI ongoing and fu…

 -  01:00 pm
DFKI Vortrag
RH5 117

Arbeitsgruppe Mechanical Design

from: Johannes Lemburg, Dipl.-Ing.  (DFKI GmbH)
In diesem halbstündigen Talk wird ein Überblick über die Ergebnisse der Arbeitsgruppe Mechanical Design gegeben. Besonderen Wert legen wir auf das zusammengetragene Wissen, daß in Form des AG-Wikis, einer eBook-Bibliothek und Datei-Archiven auf dem Server nicht nur für AG-Mitglieder nützlich ist.

last updated 06.09.2024