The leading robotics locations in Germany have formed a consortium to establish the Robotics Institute Germany (RIG) as a central contact point for robotics in Germany. The project, which was launched on July 1, 2024, will receive 20 million euros in…
Recent advances in robotics based on data-driven AI hold promise for a wide range of practical applications. However, ensuring the safety of these applications is a challenge. The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in Bremen ha…
Fine motor tasks under space conditions are particularly challenging and must first be trained on Earth. Scientists from the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) are investigating whethe…
Am Samstag, den 8. Juni um 11 Uhr halten Wiebke Brinkmann und Isabelle Kien im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe "Wissen um 11" im Haus der Wissenschaft den Vortrag "Wie kommt künstliche Intelligenz auf den Mond?
Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics fascinate many people. At the Open Day at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in Bremen on August 30th, you can learn more about the current state of research and how these technolog…
In a world where robots are taking on increasingly complex tasks, underactuated systems, particularly walking robots such as quadrupeds and humanoids, will play a critical role. These systems offer tremendous potential for performing flexible and dyn…
Artificial intelligence (AI) is finding increasingly diverse applications in the physical world, especially on embedded, cyber-physical devices with limited resources and under demanding conditions. This type of AI is referred to as "Frugal AI" and i…
The study of dynamics plays a crucial role in the development of powerful, precise, and safe robotic systems. Shivesh Kumar, who has been working as a scientist at the DFKI Robotics Innovation Center since 2015, has been successfully researching the …
The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence will be presenting new technologies for agriculture in three exhibit halls at the International Grüne Woche, which will take place in Berlin from 19 to 28 January 2024.
Whether in murky waters, cramped ship tanks or caves with little light – poor visibility conditions have a huge impact on the environmental perception of autonomous robots. How can they still operate safely and reliably and perform complex tasks?