Further News

Physical strains are one of the main reasons for sick leaves and early retirement amongst nursing staff. In order to support workers and give patients more independency, the two Bremen-based research departments of the German Research Center for Arti…

Only a few nautical miles away from the island of Helgoland, eight yellow buoys mark a three square kilometers large and 45 meters deep test field since April 23rd. The field can be used to test surface and underwater applications. With the opening o…

In order to protect our employees from the rapid spreading of the Corona virus, the DFKI in Bremen is not permanently staffed and can be reached mainly via e-mail. For technical questions, you can contact the staff of the research department Robotics…

Welche Roboter werden am DFKI Robotics Innovation Center (RIC) entwickelt und wo werden sie getestet? Bei einem Rundgang durch die verschiedenen Testanlagen und Labore, wie die Weltraumexplorationshalle oder die Maritime Halle, bekommt ihr einen Einb…

Künstliche Intelligenz bietet auch für kleine und mittlere Handelsunternehmen eine große Chance. Welche konkreten KI-Anwendungen existieren und wo Unternehmen sie einsetzen können, präsentiert das Robotics Innovation Center des Deutschen Forschungsze…

Since the recent call for a German space port, interest in research for space exploration has seen a rise. For the state of Bremen, this is a good sign: There are already 140 companies and 20 institutes with roughly 12 000 employees that generate mo…

When it comes searching life in our solar system, the ice moon Europa orbiting Jupiter plays an important role: Below his ice sheet with a thickness of several kilometers, a deep ocean is suspected which could offer the basis for extra-terrestrial li…

Überregional, kompetent, vernetzt – das Motto der diesjährigen MEER KONTAKTE lässt sich auch auf die Fahnen des neuen Testzentrums für maritime Technologien schreiben. Kein Wunder also, dass die Kooperationspartner Fraunhofer IFAM und DFKI die neue E…

Does the digitalisation offer new paths out of the dead end of stationary retail? Yes, says the "Knowledge4Retail" consortium that received a funding of close to 13 million Euros on 19 September 2019 as part of the innovation competition "Artificial …

Having been neighbours on the campus of the University of Bremen for some years, the institutes Fraunhofer IFAM and DFKI Robotics Innovation Center now opened a joint station in the harbour of Heligoland Island with a soloemn "buoy baptism" - for a g…

last updated 22.01.2024