Further News

Seit Anfang 2019 trägt das von der europäischen Union geförderte Projekt RIMA dem wachsenden Bedarf an robotischen Lösungen für die industrielle Inspektion und Wartung Rechnung – zum einen durch die Förderung von Projekten kleiner, mittlerer und mitt…

Quantum computers hold unimagined potential for numerous fields of application – including robotics. But research in this area is still in its infancy. In the recently completed QINROS project, researchers from the German Research Center for Artifici…

Advancing research in mathematical optimization for various robotics problems and promoting it in the robotics research community is the goal of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (IEEE-RAS) Technical Committee on Model-Based Optimization for R…

Is there life on Jupiter's moon Europa? An ocean suspected to be under miles of ice gives science hope. But how could it be reached and explored? Researchers at the DFKI Robotics Innovation Center have been investigating this question since 2012 in t…

Autonomous mobile robots that work safely and intuitively with humans are not only an important building block of Industry 4.0. In future space missions, they are expected to support infrastructure construction on foreign planets. In the recently com…

Du wolltest schon immer einmal wissen, woran am DFKI in Bremen geforscht wird? Dann bekommst du am Girls‘ Day 2022 die Gelegenheit dazu. Die Bremer Forschungsbereiche Cyber-Physical Systems und Robotics Innovation Center laden am 28. April 2022, von …

Quantencomputer könnten die Grenzen herkömmlicher Rechnersysteme um ein Vielfaches überschreiten. In Kombination mit Methoden des Maschinellen Lernens bergen sie ungeahntes Potenzial für zahlreiche Anwendungsfelder. Für den praktischen Einsatz dieser…

Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), operated and controlled by artificial intelligence (AI) methods, inspect, maintain, and repair offshore installations underwater. A consortium led by the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)…

As an interdisciplinary field of research, robotics is one of the most groundbreaking scientific fields of our time and has made great progress in recent years in terms of both hardware and software. Thanks to complex sensor and actuator technology, …

Space rovers like Zhurong or Perseverance are currently exploring the surface of Mars. However, the systems are unable to penetrate scientifically interesting places such as craters, caves, or rock crevices. Much more suitable are walking robots, whi…

last updated 22.01.2024