Further News

On December 8 and 9, 2021, the 3rd MINT Day of the MINTforum Bremen will take place. It is aimed at teachers in the MINT field and interested students of all secondary schools in the state of Bremen. On Thursday, December 9, starting at 11 a.m., DFKI…

Germany and Japan belong to the leading countries in the development of robotics and automation – technologies that are among the drivers of digitalization in industry and production. Therefore, Germany is an important investment location in Europe f…

Was machen eigentlich die Forschenden in einem Robotik-Institut und wofür ist das gut? Beim DUOday digital am 18. November 2021 laden Wiebke Brinkmann und Andreas Bresser von 11:30 Uhr bis 12:15 Uhr in das Robotics Innovation Center ein. Das Robotics…

Bei Bergungseinsätzen, etwa nach dem Einsturz eines Gebäudes, müssen Rettungskräfte benötigtes Material bislang eigenhändig zur Einsatzstelle über das Trümmerfeld transportieren. Das ist nicht nur anstrengend und kostet im Ernstfall wertvolle Zeit, s…

The DFKI reacts to the growth at the location in Bremen by massively expanding its research and testing infrastructure: Construction work on the second phase of the research facility at Robert-Hooke-Strasse 1 has been in full swing since May 4, 2020.…

After 13 years of successful research work as a team leader at the Robotics Innovation Center of the DFKI, Prof. Dr. Elsa A. Kirchner has now accepted a call to the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE). There, she was appointed professor in the new Dep…

Whether in the factory, in the operating room or on Mars – the areas of application for modern robots are extremely diverse. This places enormous demands on the capabilities of the systems and leads to increasingly complex development processes. With…

In space, autonomous robots are supposed to fulfil diverse tasks. In order to meet the respective requirements, existing systems are strongly mission-specific. The downside: If the mission requirements change, a completely new development might be ne…

Das Haus der Wissenschaft in Bremen veranstaltet auch in diesem Jahr ein Sommerferienprogramm für Schülerinnen und Schüler. Die Schwerpunkte des Programms lauten „Neue Formate erlernen, Denken strukturieren und Inhalte teilen und verbreiten". Vom 27.…

Artificial intelligence and robotics hold the potential to positively influence all of our lives in many ways. However, men are predominantly involved in the research, development, and design of future technologies. To change this and to strengthen t…

last updated 22.01.2024