
Artificial Intelligence in Space: DFKI Robotics Innovation Center presents its work at Space Tech Expo Europe in Bremen

Coyote III with fully integrated rover system-bus (Picture by: Tobias Stark, DFKI GmbH)

Since the recent call for a German space port, interest in research for space exploration has seen a rise. For the state of Bremen, this is a good sign: There are already 140 companies and 20 institutes with roughly 12 000 employees that generate more than 4 billion Euros per year. Regarding the total number of inhabitants, Bremen has the highest density of employees in the aerospace industry in Germany. An important area is space technology and its role as a key technology for different industries. This includes Artificial Intelligence, which is of particular importance due to its numerous fields of application.

From 19 to 21 November, the DFKI Robotics Innovation Center presents its current research from the areas of AI and space technology at the Space Tech Expo Europe 2019 in Bremen. Part of the programme is the autonomous micro-rover Coyote III, which, apart from the exploration of extraterrestrial surfaces, can also be used on earth - e.g. for disaster control. At the stand of the state of Bremen with the number C40, visitors cannot only experience the rover in action, but also learn more about the aerospace industry in Bremen and the start-up incubator ESA BIC Northern Germany. Apart from Dipl.-Ing. Roland Sosalla, team leader "Space" at the DFKI Robotics Center, the Senator for Economy, Labour and Europe as well as representatives of Bremeninvest and AVIASPACE Bremen e.V. can be met at the stand.

The Robotics Innovation Center is also represented at the three conferences running parallel to the expo: On Thursday 21 November, Dipl.-Ing. Wiebke Brinkmann, team leader "Hardware Backbones" and head of the space robotics project "PRO-ACT", will speak about the development of infrastructures for future space missions. The question of how to cooperate internationally on different levels in this respect is of particular importance due to the plans of NASA, ESA and other partners for a manned mission to the moon within the next five years. The session titled "Tech Roadmap: Developing Tech for Future In-Space Infrastructures" takes place as part of the "Industry Conference" at 11.15am on Track 1.

More than 400 national and interantional companies are represented at the Space Tech Expo Europe, presenting their products and innovations from space technology. The fair takes place in the halls 4 and 5 of the Messe Bremen fair grounds. The entrance is free, a registration mandatory.

Further information:
Space Tech Expo Europe:

DFKI Press Contact:
Corporate Communications Bremen
Mail: uk-hb[at]
Phone: +49 421 178 45 4180

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last updated 05.12.2024