Advanced Security Guard V4

Asguard V4 (Photo: Thomas Frank, DFKI)
Asguard V4 (Photo: Thomas Frank, DFKI)
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Technical Details

Size: bounding-box: (935mm x 560mm x 500mm), wheelbase: 520mm, wheel diameter: 416mm
Weight: 16Kg
Power supply:
Lithium Polymer Batteries: 4 x Kokam 15V 5000mAh
Actuation/ Engine:
DC-Motor: Faulhaber 3863 024 CR + planetary gear 66:1
- 360° Laser Scanner: Velodyne 32 Lidar
- Stereo camera: 2 x Entaniya Fisheye 220
- IMU: Xsens Mti-28A53G35
- Optical incremental Encoder Agilent AEDB-9140
- GPS with RTK correction (optional)
mobile router: ASUS WL-330N3G, Long Range radio RF Modem: AMBER Wireless AMB8385
Embedded PC Quad Core i7

Organisational Details

Sponsor: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
Grant number: This project is funded by the Space Agency of the German Aerospace Center with federal funds of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWi) in accordance with the parliamentary resolution of the German Parliament, grant no. 50RA0907.
Application Field: Space Robotics
SAR- & Security Robotics
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Related Robots: ASGUARD III
Advanced Security Guard V3
Advanced Security Guard V2
Advanced Security Guard V1
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System description

3D Models of the Asguard v4 system (Photo: Raúl Domínguez, DFKI)

The Asguard v4 is a leg-wheel hybrid which can be used in difficult outdoor environments. The system was designed on the basis of the predecessors in the Asguard series. The main improvement of the v4 system is in the modularity of the subsystems. Like the v3 version, Asguard v4 has a powerful on-board PC, which can be used to process the sensor data from the Laser-Range-Finder, the Cameras and IMU so that the system can operate in unknown terrain. Asguard does not rely on an external power supply, but can operate for multiple hours with its on-board batteries. The system can be tele-operated via videolink, but also has the ability to autonomously perform waypoint navigation with local obstacle avoidance. The powerful motors allow the system to carry payloads of multiple kg in mass.


Field tests during the Persim project at the Vulcano Summer School 2023

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Asguard v4 during the Vulcano Summer School of 2023. The rover was involved in various autonomous navigation tests and data collection activities.

Field tests during the project ENTERN

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Autonomous and remote-controlled navigation in a lava tube during the final field tests of the project Entern in 2017.


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Initial tests in the field of the current version 4 of the ASGUARD system

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last updated 19.08.2024