Autonomous Swarm of Heterogeneous resourcse in infrastructure protection via threat prediction and prevention

TESTUDO Logo & Theme (Photo: Agnieszka Sprońska, PIAP)
TESTUDO Logo & Theme (Photo: Agnieszka Sprońska, PIAP)

In line with the European Commission's Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) objectives, TESTUDO is developing a holistic approach that creates a platform for the continuous monitoring of complex and/or remote environments through the use of unmanned vehicles and fixed sensors. The solutions developed in TESTUDO are tailored to the requirements of each application and maximise the efficiency of automated surveillance by integrating state-of-the-art technologies for the detection, prevention, and prediction of hazardous events. The collaboration of technical innovators from the fields of AI, CBRN, cyber security, digital twins, and XAI with CI experts results in innovative solutions for the sustainable protection of critical infrastructures.

Duration: 01.10.2023 till 30.09.2026
Donee: German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH
Sponsor: European Union
Grant number: Funded by the European Union in HORIZON-CL3-2022-INFRA-01-02 under GA 101121258. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

T4I (GR)

Application Field: SAR- & Security Robotics
Related Robots: ASGUARD I
Advanced Security Guard V1
Advanced Security Guard V2
Advanced Security Guard V3
Coyote II
High Mobile Micro Rover

Project details

Recent changes in Europe, both internally and externally, pose various challenges for society, affecting the stability and prosperity of local communities and the resilience of critical infrastructures (CIs). The operation of CIs in a rapidly evolving environment is crucial for European security, well-being, and economic growth. However, digitization, interconnectivity, and new threats have made CI operations more complex. Disruptions in one facility can impact connected counterparts, leading to a breakdown, and isolated incidents may jeopardize first responders' capacity.

The long-term protection of CIs against diverse risks is essential for a resilient society. While technological advances can enhance resiliency, they also introduce new vulnerabilities. Addressing these challenges requires innovative technologies that adapt to operational needs, interoperate with existing infrastructure, operate autonomously, and support decision-making during hazardous events.

TESTUDO aims to provide a holistic solution by designing an innovative prototype that addresses autonomy, long-term deployment, and resiliency. The three-pillar framework includes novel sensing components for enhanced detection, knowledge extraction based on AI frameworks and ML advancements, and prevention and prediction models to mitigate the impact of hazardous events. This comprehensive approach seeks to cover diverse aspects of CI protection, promoting effective surveillance and response.

TESTUDO develops a TRL-7 prototype for diverse CI operations in challenging environments, focusing on two strategic objectives: Autonomy on the Platform (AoP) and Autonomy on the Edge (AoE). AoP integrates autonomy functionalities into a system of unmanned vehicles and fixed sensors, ensuring effective preparedness and prevention of hazardous incidents. The unified TESTUDO framework will enhance detection, identification, prevention, and coordinated response. Additionally, AoP will employ AI-based capabilities for offline cognition and operational autonomy in remote areas with limited connectivity, minimizing the involvement of the CI operator for a more autonomous solution.

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last updated 25.02.2025