
The Robotics Innovation Center (RIC) belongs to the Bremen location of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH). Headed by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Frank Kirchner, here scientists develop robot systems to be used for complex tasks on land, under water, in the air, and in space. The RIC closely cooperates with the Robotics Group at the University of Bremen.

Das DFKI mit Sitz in Kaiserslautern, Saarbrücken, Bremen und Niedersachsen, Laboren in Berlin und Darmstadt sowie Außenstellen in Lübeck und Trier ist auf dem Gebiet innovativer Softwaretechnologien auf der Basis von Methoden der Künstlichen Intelligenz die führende Forschungseinrichtung in Deutschland.

Weitere Informationen gibt es hier.

Latest Projects

Adaptive robot ConTrol with Generative Pre-trained…
Logistics, Production and Consumer   Assistance- and Rehabilitation Systems  
Co-adaptation to enable and improve exoskeleton-based…
Assistance- and Rehabilitation Systems  
Digital Ecosystem for AI-Based Robotics (RoX) -…
Agricultural Robotics   Assistance- and Rehabilitation Systems   Data management   Electric Mobility   Logistics, Production and Consumer   Quantum Computing   SAR- & Security Robotics   Underactuated Robotics   Underwater Robotics   Space Robotics   Knowledge management  
Robotics Institute Germany
Agricultural Robotics   Assistance- and Rehabilitation Systems   Data management   Electric Mobility   Logistics, Production and Consumer   Quantum Computing   SAR- & Security Robotics   Underactuated Robotics   Underwater Robotics   Space Robotics   Knowledge management  

Latest Robotsystems

KRATOS – integration study
Electric Mobility  Logistics, Production and Consumer  SAR- & Security Robotics 
Assistance- and Rehabilitation Systems  Logistics, Production and Consumer  Space Robotics 
Strawberry Harvester: an Innovative Vehicle for Application in Agriculture
Agricultural Robotics 
Quadrupedal Research Platform
Underactuated Robotics  SAR- & Security Robotics  Space Robotics 

Latest Softwaretools

Adaptive Robot Control using Optimization
Hybrid Robot Dynamics
Biologically inspired Graph-Based Language
Robot Construction Kit

Latest Publications

Latest Videos

Persim: Autonomous navigation on steep slope of a crater

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The autonomous navigation of Coyote 3 is presented while a steep slope is traversed. The map below on the right shows the traversable areas as green, and the obstacles in red. The planned path to be followed is also displayed in the visualization.

Robots on a Christmas present mission: Christmas greetings from the DFKI Robotics Innovation Center

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Wir blicken auf ein ereignisreiches Jahr 2024 zurück, das uns viele spannende Entwicklungen in der Robotik gebracht hat. Nun möchten wir Euch mit einem besonderen Weihnachtsgruß in die Feiertage entlassen.

Open Day 2024: Numerous interested visitors experience future technologies up close

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Around 900 visitors, including many school classes, took the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes and learn about research in the fields of artificial intelligence, robotics and secure systems at the DFKI Open Day in Bremen.

ContinuumPKM: PArallel COntinuun MAnipulator (PACOMA)

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PACOMA is a flexible robotic system for space missions, using a spring-tendon design and RUS kinematics. It ensures precise control, stability, and safe docking interactions.

New salvage diver group

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Robots that explore unknown waters, map the seabed, recover contaminated sites or inspect offshore wind farms - the Robotics Innovation Center in Bremen has been researching intelligent robotic systems for underwater use for many years. In addition to the scientific expertise required to develop high-performance technologies, specialist expertise and state-of-the-art technology are also required to ensure the safety and successful completion of underwater tests. For this reason, DFKI, with the support of the German Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) and the Employers' Liability Insurance Association for Energy, Textiles, Electrical and Media Products (BG ETEM), has now founded a salvage diver group at the Bremen site. The video shows the range of tasks performed by the DFKI rescue diver group. Contact: diving(at)dfki.de

Field tests during the Persim project at the Vulcano Summer School 2023

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Asguard v4 during the Vulcano Summer School of 2023. The rover was involved in various autonomous navigation tests and data collection activities.

last updated 09.01.2025