
Connected mobile Machines & Mobility: Christopher Gaudig speaks about autonomous underwater robotics at digital CMM conference

Connected machines and mobility evoke thoughts of autonomous cars – which is correct, but underestimates the diversity of the technologies: From 5G networks via automated production to embedded systems and questions of security – when it comes to the potential and future use of autonomous machines for industry and society, there is much to be discussed. For this reason, the “Connected mobile Machines & Mobility” conference (CMM) is hosting a total of 60 talks and discussion rounds for two days. On 1 and 2 December 2020, the CMM conference deals with components and communication systems for the development and interconnection of mobile machines and vehicles, both on the Hanover Fair grounds and online.

Joining the conference is Christopher Gaudig of the DFKI Robotics Innovation Center (RIC), who will explain how the potential of autonomous underwater vehicles can be fully used, how vehicles can orientate underwater and how strong currents and adverse conditions can be handled. The speech on “Unmanned Vehicles – Application In and On Water” is held by Christopher Gaudig on 2 December at 11:45 AM. The entire conference will be streamed digitally and is free to be joined. Only a registration is required, which is possible on the website of the CMM.

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Connected mobile Machines & Mobility
01 – 02 December 2020
Hanover Fair & digital

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last updated 05.12.2024