Towards an Alliance of European Research fleets and maritime Equipment

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EUROFLEETS2 is the continuation and enhancement of EUROFLEETS1, with the aim of developing a new pan-European distributed infrastructure with common strategic vision and coordinated access to European research vessels and marine equipment. EUROFLEETS2 will undertake specific actions that aim to consolidate fleets organization, methodology and tools and through operational experimental tests (like virtual fleets) leading to fully interoperable and cost effective European research fleet.
Project details
EUROFLEETS 2 objectives are:
- Promotion of integration of Global/Ocean and Regional RVs. Additional European RVs are made accessible under EUROFLEETS2: 8 Ocean/Global (4 new ones in comparison with EUROFLEETS1), 14 Regional RVs (6 new ones) and 6 mobile equipment (5 new ones). Further integration is proposed due to an innovative multi-platform experiment. The super-integration call will seek to identify a truly innovative flagship proposal, based on scientific excellence, that will be carried out by a distinguished international partnership of scientists.
- Completion of the strategic vision of the European fleets with a shared polar component.
- Promotion of exchanges of mobile equipment on board European RVs to foster operational interoperability through Transnational Access.
- Enhancing the impact of research fleets on innovation by fostering the involvement of industry in specific activities, both as end user (e.g. development and testing of new equipment or deep-sea exploration for new resources) or as supplier.
The role if DFKI is within the Joint Research Activitiy 2 "Innovative technologies for Hybrid and Autonomous Underwater Systems".
Further information on
Distortion-Robust Distributed Magnetometer for Underwater Pose Estimation in Confined UUVs
In Proceedings of MTS IEEE OCEANS '15, (OCEANS-15), 19.10.-22.10.2015, Washington, DC, IEEE, pages 1-8, Oct/2015.