
Open Day at the DFKI in Bremen

Robotics Innovation Center and Cyber-Physical Systems

Robots that swim, run, or work in a team, an intelligent workwear, which protects against postural defects and a self-driving electric car that can park sideways and diagonally: all this and much more awaits visitors on June 14th 2016 at the open day at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in Bremen. In the time from 10am to 5pm, the research institutes Robotics Innovation Center and Cyber-Physical Systems will provide insights into their research at the Robert-Hooke-Straße 1.

In the year 2016, the Bremen location of the DFKI can look back on ten years of successful research. What began with a laboratory and two employees, quickly evolved to a success model. Today, over 130 employees from around the world work at the Bremen location. They are supported by around 100 student assistants. In research projects, they develop the robotic systems of the next generation that autonomously perform complex tasks and they design reliable embedded systems that increasingly influence the devices of our everyday lives.

In the anniversary year, DFKI invites citizens to look behind the scenes of the Bremer research institutes Robotics Innovation Center and Cyber-Physical Systems and their laboratories and test facilities, such as the unique in Europe Maritime Exploration Hall and to experience hands-on research. The visitors gain insights into current projects by numerous exciting exhibits and demonstrations being explained by the scientists. They get to know for example, how humans and robots can work safely together in a team, why robotics is inspired by the animal world, and how bad posture at work can be prevented by smart work clothes. Guests learn the full range of application areas: from misanthropic environments such as outer space, deep sea, or disaster areas, to industrial production and agriculture, to applications that help us in everyday life, for example in the form of intelligent assistance systems for our own four walls.

The visitors can also get active at the open day at the DFKI, e.g., by controlling a robot. An interactive table also enables remote control of the intelligent laboratory apartment Bremen Ambient Assisted Living Lab (BAALL) that is located in another building — live broadcast included. For the little ones, it will be particularly interesting that it is possible to use a small underwater robot to fish candy from the large saltwater pool of the Maritime Exploration Hall.

The event is at no charge. For groups of fifteen or more persons, a prior request by uk-hb(at)dfki.de is required for organizational reason.

DFKI Contact :
Swantje Schmidt
Corporate Communications
Tel .: +49421178 45-4121
Email: uk-hb(at)dfki.de

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