
Limitations and possibilities for ROV use in industrial scale Aquaculture research experiments

DAGON is checked by Per Rundtop (SINTEF) during test runs, while a salmon passes by. (Photo: Jan Albiez / DFKI GmbH)
DAGON is checked by Per Rundtop (SINTEF) during test runs, while a salmon passes by. (Photo: Jan Albiez / DFKI GmbH)
Scientific Leader:
Project leader:
Dr.-Ing. Jan Albiez
Contact person:

ScienceROV is a EU funded (AquaExcel TNA grant) project which aims at the evaluation of localization methods for ROVs within production fishfarms. ROVs are widely used within the aquaculture industry to inspect and monitor equipment within a fish cage, but due to the lack of localization methods a lot of the work has to be supported by divers. By using the hybrid AUV DAGON the partners ACE, SINTEF and DFKI RIC evaluate LBL, USBL and optical systems within a salmon fish cage.

Duration: 01.04.2013 till 30.08.2013
Donee: German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH
Sponsor: European Union
Grant number: AquaExcel TNA Grant No. 0041/03/11/26
Partner: Aqua Culture Engineering (ACE), Norway SINTEF Aquaculture and Fisheries, Norway AquaExcel
Application Field: Underwater Robotics
Related Projects: MerdROV
Evaluation of navigation-concepts for UUVs in fish-farms (01.2012- 12.2013)
Related Robots: DAGON

Project details

RV Torra moored tot he cage during the experiments . (Photo: Jan Albiez / DFKI GmbH)
DAGON during jumping salmon in the fish cage. (Photo: Jan Albiez / DFKI GmbH)

Remote operated underwater vehicles (ROV) are commonly used in the aquaculture industry. Further are there more and more full-scale scientific experiments on aquaculture sites to monitor aquaculture system performance and fish welfare as well. However is the use of ROV in these scientific experiments up to now very limited, instead are, for example, divers used to deploy and inspect equipment.
The goal of the EU funded ScienceROV project is to evaluate different methods of ROV localization by experiments in a real running fish farm.ScienceROV is funded by the EU Network AquaExcel as a TNA action and is done by the partners ACE, SINTEF and DFKI RIC.
There have been tow experiment weeks, one at the end of April 2013 and one at then end of July 2013. Both were done within the SalMar/ACE fishfarm near Halsa in Norway.

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last updated 25.02.2025