Intelligent COTS based Power Stages for Robotic Applications

The objective of this project is to demonstrate a modular breadboard multi-PCB design using COTS components for space applications. The concrete demonstrator will be a COTS GaN-FET power stage of a robotic actuator. The functionality will be distributed over multiple PCBs (Processing /Sensor / Interfaces PCB, Power stage etc.). A modular approach will allow Plug and-Play reconfiguration during development. It allows the exchange of functionally equivalent modules to evaluate other implementations of a board or components. Furthermore, this enables sub-module qualification. In comparison to black box testing of monolithic PCB designs versus extensive part level qualification, this provides a satisfactory compromise in the R&D domain.

Duration: 15.01.2022 till 15.07.2023
Donee: German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH
Sponsor: ESA
Grant number: ESA Contract No. 4000135487/21/NL/GLC/ov
Application Field: Space Robotics
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COTS-Based Modular BLDC Power Stage using GaN-FETs for Robotic Space Applications
Benjamin Hülsen, Patrick Schöberl, Pablo Hernandez
In 13th European Space Power Conference, (ESPC-2023), 2.10.-6.10.2023, Elche, ESA / IEEE, ESA-ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1 2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Oct/2023. ESA Conference Bureau.

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last updated 11.09.2024