DLR SpaceBot-Cup 2015: ARTEMIS
DLR SpaceBot-Cup 2015: ARTEMIS – Autonomous Rover Trials for Exploration and Manipulation

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The SpaceBot Cup is a robotic competition, offered by the DLR Space Administration. The challenge of the competition is to develop a robotic system which is able to perform tasks that are derived from a typical exploration scenario on a planetary surface. The system has to semi-autonomously locate, identify, and transport objects in a difficult terrain to finally integrate them into an overall system.
Project details
The competition will be held in November 2013 under the auspices of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology. A total of 10 teams will compete. The team "Artemis" of the DFKI RIC and the University of Bremen intends to solve the challenges of the competition using the Artemis Rover (see figure), which has been developed for the SpaceBot Cup 2013, combined with optimized software solutions for mapping, navigation, object recognition, planning, manipulation and runtime monitoring. Beside smaller hardware improvements major optimizations for communication and mission control are planned. Extensive communication and field tests should be performed to identify possible problems and to train the ground crew. This should ensure a constant and safe operation of the rover during the competition.