Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Frank Kirchner

University of Bremen
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Robotics Group

DFKI GmbH (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence)
Robotics Innovation Center
Robert Hooke Str. 1
D-28359 Bremen

+49 421 178 45 4101

Academic Positions

05.2020Appointment Executive Director and authorised officer DFKI Bremen
05.11.2018Appointment as Research Fellow of the Tsinghua University Beijing
31.07.2017Awarded Honorary Doctorate by the Centro Universitário SENAI CIMATEC, Brazil for contributions in the area of robotics and artificial intelligence.
2017 - Co-Founder of the ‘Schwerpunkt Program’ Softrobotics at the German Research Foundation (DFG)
2016 - Associate Professor at the University CIMATEC, Senai, Bahia, Brasilien
2015 - Member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
2013 -Scientific Director of the Brazilian Institute of Robotics (BIR) in Salvador, Bahia. The BIR is an institute formed by the involvement of the two non-profit organizations: Senai Cimatec and the DFKI focused on developing robots in Brazil.
2010 Initiator and co-founder of the “Institut für Maritime Technologien“ (MarTech) at the University of Bremen
2009-2013Member of the Advisory Board and Co-coordinator of the Personal Mobility Center (PMC) of the Electric Mobility Model Region NorthWest
2009-2010Initiator of the joint project „Maritime Intelligente Meerestechnologien für das 21. Jahrhundert“ (MarIT21)
2008 -Director of the Bremen location of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) with was inaugurated in February of 2008.
2005 - Head of the Robotics Group at the University of Bremen and speaker of the newly founded Bremen laboratory of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)
2002 -Holder of the chair of Robotics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Bremen
2002 Appointment as Full Professor – C4 - at the University of Bremen
1999-2002Appointment as Tenure Track Assistant Professor at the Northeastern University in Boston (MA, USA); management of a series of national German and US-American projects focusing on autonomous intelligent robots in real-world applications in cooperation with the MIT (Boston) and the National Space Agency NASA.
1998-1999Senior Scientist und Principal Investigator at the Northeastern University in Boston (MA, USA), setting up a branch of the Fraunhofer Institute for Autonomous Intelligent Systems; team leader of the workgroup Biomimetic Autonomous Robots (BAR)
1997-1998Head of Department “Biomimetische Autonome Roboter (BAR)“ at the Institut für Autonome Intelligente Systeme (AIS) der FHG, Sankt Augustin
1996-1997Project leader at the Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung (GMD) in Sankt Augustin
1994-1996Researcher at the Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung (GMD) in Sankt Augustin

Membership in Professional Societies

2021 -Committee member of the National Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina) on handling security-relevant research 
2017-2021 Head of the working group "Hostile-to-life Environments", Platform 'Learning Systems' of the BMBF (The Federal Ministry of Education and Research) 
2017-2021 Member of NCE (Networks of Centres of Excellence) Standing Selection Committee, Canada 
2017 - Chair of the Program Committee ‘Robotics and Automation’ for the German National Space Agency, (DLR) 
2016 - Associated Professor at the University CIMATEC, Senai, Bahia, Brazil 
2015-2017 Member High-tech Forum – Expert forum “Autonomous Systems” 
2015 - Member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Technical/Scientific Class 
2013 - Spokesman high-profile research area Robotics at the University of Bremen 
2013Scientific Director of the Brazilian Institute of Robotics (BIR) in Salvador, Bahia 
2013-2017Vice Chair of the Program Committee ‘Robotics and Automation’ for the German National Space Agency, (DLR) 
2013 -Member of the advisory board on Space Robotics, at the German National Space Agency (DLR) 
2012-2013Core team Excellence Cluster application University of Bremen 
2012 - IEEE Task Force on Intelligent Space Systems and Operations 
2012 Founding Member of the Institute „Ground Truth Robotics“ 
2012 Committee member: Nationale Masterplan Maritime Technologien (NMMT) 
2010 Founding Member of the Institute „MarTech“ with DLR, MARUM and DFKI 
2009-2010Member of the Board "Maritime Intelligente Meerestechnologien für das 21. Jahrhundert" (MarIT) 
2007-2014Member of the Board „GMT Gesellschaft für Maritime Technik“, Hamburg 
2006-2013Member of the Advisory Board and coordinator of the Personal Mobility Center (PMC) 
2006 Founding Member of the IEEE Robotics and Automation's Technical Committee on: Space Robotics 
2006 Founding Member of International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 


1999Doctorate (Dr. rer. nat) at the University of Bonn
1994Diploma of Informatics, Neurobiology at the University of Bonn
1988 - 1994Student of Computer Science and Neurobiology at the University of Bonn
1985 - 1988Student of Business Sciences at the University of Cologne
1983German “Abitur” at the Gymnasium “Am Hammer”, Leichlingen

Conference Committees

2025Advisory Committee IJCAI 2025 
2020Programme Committee 52nd International Symposium on Robotics (ISR) 2020
2019Programme Committee The AAAI-20 Student Poster and Abstract Program
2017Conference Chair VDI-Conference "Humanoid Robots 2017", Munich
2017Session Chair 34th International Supply Chain Conference Think different − Act digital, Berlin
2016Conference Chair VDI-Conference "Humanoid Robots 2016", Munich
2015Co-Chair IROS 2015, Hamburg
2014 International Symposium Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space (i-SAIRAS)
2012 - 2014International Joint Conference Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIODEVICES)
2013International Congress on Neurotechnology, Electronics and Informatics (NEUROTECHNIX)
2013Session Chair Symposium Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics, (ASTRA)
2007 - 2013IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
2011 - 2013IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
2010 - 2012German national Conference on Robotics (ROBOTIK)
2012IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Information Integration, Hamburg
2011Co-Chair ASTRIUM second R&T Days, ASTRIUM Space Transportation, Paris
2011Co-Chair IROS Session „Towards Anthropomimetic Robots", IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems

Organization of Scientific Events

2018-2021 Editor in Chief of the Journal “AI Perspectives”, published by Springer Nature
2014 Editorial Board of "Evolutionary Robotics", a specialty of Frontiers in Robotics and AI
2014 -Editorial Board: Associated Editor „Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS)", Elsevier
2014Co-Editor „Contemporary Planetary Robotics - An Approach towards Autonomous Systems”, Wiley
2013Co-Editor of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, Special Issue on “Computational Intelligence for Space Systems and Operations”
2013Guest Editor of special issue on ‘Space Robotics’, KI – Künstliche Intelligenz, German Journal on Artificial Intelligence, Springer
2012Technical Editor of the third Edition “Artificial Intelligence” Russel/ Norvig
2006Editorial Board: Associated Editor Humanoid Robots, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, InTech

Reviewer Activities

  • The Royal Society, London
  • Academy of Finland, Helsinki
  • Israel Science Foundation (ISF)
  • The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), Vienna
  • "Artificial Intelligence”, Journal, Elsevier
  • "Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence", The International Journal of Intelligent Real-Time Automation, Elsevier
  • "Journal of Field Robotics", Journal, Wiley
  • "Robotics and Automation Magazine", IEEE Xplore
  • "Robotics and Automation Society", IEEE-RAS
  • "Transactions on Robotics" Journal, IEEE-T-RO
  • "International Journal of Robotics Research" Journal, IJRR
  • "Mechatronics"; The Science of Intelligent Machines, Elsevier
  • "Bioinspiration & Biomimetics", Journal, IOP Science
  • "International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems", Journal, InTech
  • Vici Physical Sciences and Engineering, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research NWO

Funding institutions:

  • Since 2001: EU
  • Since 2003: DFG, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWI), BMU, DAAD
  • Various national and international foundations and organizations

Teaching at University of Bremen / Courses and Seminars

2017 - Seminar: Behaviour Learning for Crossing the Simulation-Reality Gap
2012 - 2014 Propaedeutics: Introduction in control frameworks using an autonomous underwater vehicle as an example, summer semester
2010 - 2014Propaedeutics: Software development, experiments and practical experience with a autonomous underwater vehicle (auv)
2009 -Machine learning for autonomous robots, summer semester
2006 -Graduate Seminar 
2006 -Postgraduate Seminar
2006 -Biological basics for autonomous mobile robots, winter semester
2005 -Modern Robot Control Architectures
2004 -Reinforcement Learning
2003 - 2015Basics of Robotics 1
2003 - 2015Basics of Robotics 2
2003 -Robot Design Lab

Student Projects at University of Bremen

2020 - Project "HelloRic"
2019 - 2020Project "Semi-autonomous, highly mobile robot"
2017 - 2018Project „Yemo“
2014 - 2016Project „ARTEMIS“
2013 - 2014Project „SpaceBot Cup“
2012 - 2013Project “Control of a 'BRIO Labyrinth' game”
2011 - 2012Project „MonsterMind“
2005 - 2007Project „Rescue Robotics"

Supervised Bachelor Thesis at University of Bremen

2006 - 2023113 in total

Supervised Master Thesis at University of Bremen

2006 - 2023136 in total (including 33 Diploma)

Supervised PHD Thesis at University of Bremen

2006 - 202365 in total (38 finished, 27 in progress)
last updated 13.01.2025