Modern Robot Control Architectures, robot design, learning methods and biological basis for autonomous robots: The courses for the University Robotics Group and the DFKI Robotics Innovation Center, headed by Prof. Dr. Frank Kirchner revolve around robotics. They are aimed at students of the University of Bremen from the fields of computer science, systems engineering, electrical engineering and information technology.
We also supervise bachelor's and master's theses, advanced topics we announce regularly online. For our staff, students and graduates, we offer special seminars. The PhD students seminar will be held in the form of Brown Bag Talks.
Courses in the Summer Semester
Modern Robot Control Architectures (VAK: 03-MB-712.02 )
ECTS: 6, Lecture 3 ECTS and Tutorials 3 ECTS
Level: BSc (MSc)
Contact Person: Mihaela Popescu, Jonas Haack
Course Language: Englisch
Reinforcement Learning (VAK: 03-ME-712.03)
ECTS: 6, Lecture 3 ECTS and Tutorials 3 ECTS
Level: MSc
Contact Person: Melvin Laux
Course Language: Englisch
Human-Centered Interaction in Robotics
Level: MSc
Contact Person: Dr. Lisa Gutzeit
Course Language: Englisch
Seminar on Autonomous and Intelligent Systems
Contact Person: Melvin Laux
Course Language: Englisch
Graduierten Seminar Robotik, 03-05-H-712.91
weekly Wednesday 13:00 - 14:00 Online
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Frank Kirchner
Course Language: German/Englisch
Courses in the Winter Semester
Robot Design Lab, 03-IBGA-FI-RDL
Level: BSc
Contact Person: Mihaela Pospescu, Jonas Haack
Course Language: Englisch
Machine Learning for Autonomous Robots, 03-IMVP-MLAR (03-ME-712.07)
Level: MSc
Contact Person: Melvin Laux
Course Language: Englisch
Graduierten Seminar Robotik, 03-05-H-712.91
weekly Wed. 13:00 - 14:00 Online
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Frank Kirchner
Course Language: German/Englisch
Direct to the currently advertised theses and archives of written theses
Talk overview of the Brown Bag Talks, the Graduated Studen's Lectures and the Journal Club.
Doctoral Thesis
We regulary advertise topics for doctoral thesis which you can find at the career subsection doctoral thesis.
Impressions from the Robot Design Lab
Robot Design Lab: Studying computer science creates opportunities to shape our future world

Robot design and control architectures, machine learning methods and human-centered interaction with robots – the Robotics Group at Faculty 3 of the University of Bremen together with the DFKI Robotics Innovation Center offer courses from the basics to the most advanced concepts in robotics. Robot Design Lab is an introductory course. Here students learn about the software and hardware architecture of robots. Autonomous navigation concepts are applied on TurtleBot robots, which are able to traverse mazes and detect geometrical shapes in the environment.