
Technical Details

Size: L = 890mm, W = 580mm, H = adjustable
Weight: MiR = 62,5 kg, UR5 = 18,4 kg
Power supply:
2 Batteries Li-NMC 24V, 50Ah (for MiR100 and UR5)
Speed: MiR100 = 1.5 m/s (forward), 0,3 m/s (backwards), UR5 = Joint (max.): 180°/s, TCP(max): 1m/s
Force/Torque Sensor FT300 (mounted on the wrist of the UR5)
Camera Orbbec Astra Mini S (mounted on the wrist of the UR5)
Laser scanner SICK S300 (built-in in the MiR100, front and rear)
Ultrasound scaner (4x, built-in in the MiR100)
3D-Camera Intel RealSense (built-in in the MiR-100)
MiR100 = W-LAN, Bluetooth, USB, Ethernet
UR5 = Ethernet, Modbus TCP

Organisational Details

Application Field: Logistics, Production and Consumer
Related Projects: HaLeR
Detection of action deviations through learning with limited computing resources (08.2020- 12.2022)
AI-based Qualification of Deliberative Behaviour for a Robotic Construction Kit (08.2018- 07.2021)
Hybrid and intelligent human-robot collaboration – Hybrid teams in versatile cyber-physical production environments (11.2016- 10.2019)

System description

Mobipick is a mobile manipulator assembled at DFKI and composed of two commercial systems: a mobile platform MiR100 and a robot arm UR5 from Universal Robots.

Furthermore, the robot arm is equipped with a gripper 2F-140 and a force/torque sensor FT300 from Robotiq, as well as wrist camera Orbbec Astra Mini S.


Mobipick: System demonstration

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last updated 19.08.2024