Mobile Dual-Arm-Manipulation
Technical Details
System description
The robot AILA is a mobile dual-arm robot system developed as a research platform for investigating aspects of the multidisciplinary area of mobile manipulation. Mobility, perception, manipulation and, primarily, the use of all these subareas within a single system that is able to perceive and understand its environment, move around, manipulate, learn about objects and deal with unstructured and uncertain environments is the goal of this research area.
AILA has 32 degrees of freedom, including 7-DOF arms, 4-DOF torso, 2-DOF head, and a mobile base equipped with six wheels, each of them with two degrees of freedom. The primary design goal was to achieve a lightweight arm construction with a payload-to-weight ratio greater than one. Besides, an adjustable body should sustain the dual-arm system providing an extended workspace. Mobility is currently provided by means of a wheel-based mobile base. Its hardware includes:
- Two Prosilica GC780C cameras that create a stereo system unit in the head
- A periodically-tilting short-ranged Hokuyo URG Laser scanner in the chest and a Mesa SR-4000 3D Time of Flight (TOF) camera in the robot’s belly
- Two long-ranging Hokuyo UTM Laser scanners provide a circumferential view for the mobile base
- Two 3,5-inches embedded PCs: one for motion control located in the head and one for navigation located in the mobile base
- A mini-ITX board in combination with a dedicated graphics card for vision processing is located in the torso
- The communication network consists of five independent CAN lines for controlling the two arms, the torso, and the wheel modules of the base.
- GigaEthernet routed through two fiveport switches connect the head cameras, the three computers, and the outside world.
- Two six-axis force/torque sensors at the robot’s wrists.
- In-house developed joint electronics consisting of a stack of three PCBs (power electronics, FPGA, interfaces and sensors)
HySociaTea: Selected features from the final project demonstration

This video shows selected technologies of the HySociaTea scenario: the any-time resource planner, the object recognition using the information from the eye tracker, speech interaction with the robots and the virtual character, autonomous task allocation of the robots and autonomous robot-robot interaction.
HySociaTea: Autonomous robot-robot collaboration of Compi and AILA

This video shows the autonomous robot-robot collaboration in HySociaTea using the TECS framework. The Compi robot takes item to be delivered and reports that a delivery is required. AILA recognizes that she can handle the task and takes over. The handover is realized using a communication protocol.
HySociaTea: Customized Packaging Scenario

The Video illustrates the first demo setting and procedure with the Hybrid Team.
BesMan: First demonstration – robot system AILA

First official demonstration: Execution of an autonomous manipulation task in the ISS Mockup
AILA/CAPIO Exoskeleton: German-Russian cooporation for remote control of robots

Aim of this demonstration is to control humanoid robots through the exoskeletons in any other location. In this case: Bremen and the Russian city Magnitogorsk.

AILA performing an autonomous mission in ISS setup.

Teleoperation of an Antropomorphic System in Space Robotics.
AILA: Robofoot

Programming Arm Motions and Multifinger Grasping by Operator Demonstration
AILA: Teleoperation using Kinect

Demo showing AILA being teleoperated with the use of a Kinect sensor.
AILA: Autonomous product handling (SemProm)

AILA sorts out supermarket products using RFID information