For the project UI ElMo companies from Bremen and its surroundings have joined forces for an evaluation of up to 160 new battery electric vehicles (BEV) as part of the companies' vehicle fleets. The installation of additional charging facilities and the evaluation of the BEV for the companies' everyday use are the main goals of the project. The DFKI is hereby responsible for the acquisition and analysis of the vehicles' operational data.
Duration: | 01.10.2012 till 30.09.2016 |
Donee: | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH |
Sponsor: |
Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development
NOW GmbH |
Grant number: | 03EM0403E |
Partner: | Nehlsen AG, HWT Wärme Technik Hansen, Move About, Emigholz |
Application Field: | Electric Mobility |
Related Projects: |
MR Bremen-Oldenburg – New Mobility in Rural Regions: Applied Electric Mobility – Technology Concepts – Mobility effects
Model Region Electric Mobility PMC: Modul 2
Intelligent Integration of Electric Mobility
New Mobility in Rural Regions
Applied Electric Mobility – Technology Concepts – Mobility effects
Project details
Efforts to advance electric mobility in germany are largely represented by the public initiatives "Modellregionen Elektromobilität" (model regions electric mobility) and recently "Schaufenster Elektromobilität" (showcase electric mobility). In this context many projects were initiated in this field within the last years. As such, the project UI ElMo will evaluate the operation of BEV as part of companies' vehicle fleets.
Hereby the integration of BEV into existing structures plays a major role. An additional goal of this project is to explore the potentials and limits for cooperation and mutual use of private charging infrastructure. To this end an approach to fee charged amounts of energy will be implemented for the charging infrastructure of the participating companies.
In this project the DFKI is responsible for the acquisition and the storage of usage and consumption data. This data is collected by logging devices integrated into the vehicles and is then transferred to the central backend server via a secured mobile communication interface. There the data is then stored and analyzed. The analyses will be made available to the participating companies in order to enable them to optimize the usage of their vehicle fleet.