MR Bremen-Oldenburg – New Mobility in Rural Regions: Applied Electric Mobility – Technology Concepts – Mobility effects

The aim is to demonstrate an ICT service landscape in electric mobility. An IT platform offers tools and methods to increase electric mobility and its application areas and to familiarize users with these new ways of mobility. Data are analyzed based on the E-mobility data base. These prepared data are the input for a number of possible tools and instruments.

Duration: 01.10.2011 till 30.06.2014
Donee: German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH
Sponsor: Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development
Grant number: 03ME0400G This project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development. The program coordination is carried out by the NOW GmbH National Organization Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology.
Partner: B2M Software AG
Application Field: Electric Mobility
Related Projects: Model Region Electric Mobility PMC: Modul 2
Intelligent Integration of Electric Mobility (10.2009- 09.2011)
New Mobility in Rural Regions
Applied Electric Mobility – Technology Concepts – Mobility effects (10.2010- 03.2014)

Project details

schematic representation of the project content (Source: DFKI GmbH)

From the viewpoint of the DFKI, the project focuses on three aspects linked with each other. The primary objective is the development of a model covering the three areas vehicle, user, and traffic. A simulation based on this model allows a prognosis for various future scenarios of electric mobility. In the form of hypotheses with changed boundary conditions, technological advancement can thus be included. In order to realize this objective, two essential preconditions must be met. On the one hand, a data acquisition device is required that allows a reliable and comprehensive acquisition of runtime data as well as of user data, while, on the other hand, a solid and efficient system for data acquisition and retention is necessary.

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last updated 04.01.2024