Standard Interface for Robotic Manipulation of Payloads in Future Space Missions

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SENER Ingeniería y Sistemas S.A.
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The SIROM project aims to develop physical interfaces, which can be used to connect payloads in planetary and orbital applications with manipulators or other payloads, as well as two systems, e.g. client and server. This includes interfaces which can not only establish a physical connection but also serve to transmit electrical energy, data, and heat. The focus is on the development of key technologies for autonomic robotic systems to be used in on-orbit satellite maintenance and assembly work as well as in planetary exploration. In SIROM the Robotics Innovation Center is responsible for the development of a mechanical interface in general and for the definition of requirements in particular as well as for the execution and evaluation of the final experiments.

Duration: 01.11.2016 till 28.02.2019
Donee: German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH
Sponsor: European Union
Grant number: EU financial support, Horizon 2020 PERASPERA, Grant Agreement Number 730035
Partner: SENER,
Airbus Defence and Space,
Airbus DS GmbH,
Thales Alenia Space,
Leonardo S.p.A.,
University of Strathclyde,
Space Application Services,
Application Field: Space Robotics
Related Projects: InFuse (OG3)
Common Data Fusion Framework for Space Robotics (11.2016- 01.2019)
European Space Robot Control Operating System (11.2016- 01.2019)
Semi-autonomous cooperative exploration of planetary surfaces including the installation of a logistic chain as well as consideration of the terrestrial applicability of individual aspects (05.2013- 12.2017)
Reconfigurable Integrated Multi Robot Exploration System (09.2009- 12.2012)
FACILIties for Testing (at) ORbital and Surface robotics building blocks (11.2016- 01.2019)
Related Robots: SherpaTT

Project details

SIROM is part of the project “PER ASPERA (ad ASTRA)” (Latin meaning “Through hardships to the stars”), which is funded by a grant by the European Union through the Horizon 2020 Programme.

The European Commission has funded, as part of the Horizon 2020 Space Work Programme 2014, a Programme Support Activity (PSA) for the implementation of a Strategic Research Cluster (SRC) on Space Robotics Technologies.

Space Robotics has been identified by European actors as a key technology for improving the competitiveness of the European space sector. The European Commission has set up the “Space Robotics Technologies” Strategic Research Cluster (SRC) in Horizon 2020, with the goal of enabling major advances in strategic key-points of Space Robotics Technologies, in order to improve the European competitiveness. The main objective of the SRC for Space Robotic Technologies is the creation, within the 2020-2030 timeframe, of the necessary tools to ensure and consolidate the maturity of the Space Robotic technologies for orbital maintenance missions and planetary exploration, and contribute to guarantee the leadership of European capabilities in Space Robotics at world level within the 2020-2030 timeframe. These activities will be developed in coherence with the existing and planned developments at national, commercial and ESA level.

The SRC system of grants considers two types of grants: Programme Support Activitiy (PSA) and six Operational Grants (OG1-6). SIROM is Operational Grant Number 5. All OGs works together with PSA.

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SIROM: Capture range tests

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Mechanical test of the SIROM from SENER Aeroespacial S.A. verifying its capture range.

HOTDOCK: Misalignment test

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Mechanical test of the HOTDOCK from Space Applications Services NV verifying its misalignment capabilities using guiding petals.

HOTDOCK: Release under load tests

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Mechanical tests of the iSSI® from iBOSS GmbH, HOTDOCK from Space Applications Services NV and SIROM from SENER Aeroespacial S.A. identifying their capabilities to perform a release of a coupled interface under load. Please note that the behaviour of interfaces during the depicted tests is unsuitable for direct comparison given different numeric values used for initial axial, radial and angular misalignments.



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In Proceedings of Space Tech Conferences, 19.11.-21.11.2019, Bremen, o.A., 2019.


Modular Active Payload Modules for Robotic Handlings in Future Orbital Missions
Wiebke Brinkmann, Marko Jankovic, Christoph Stoeffler, Gonzalo Guerra, Eduardo Urgoiti, Javier Vinals, Sebastian Bartsch
In Proceedings of the 69th International Astronautical Congress 2018, (IAC-2018), 01.10.-05.10.2018, Bremen, o. A., Oct/2018.
Future Space Missions With Reconfigruable Modular Payload Modules And Standard Interface – An Overview Of The SIROM Project
Javier Vinals, Eduardo Urgoiti, Gonzalo Guerra, Ignacio Valiente, Judit Esnoz-Larraya, Michel Ilzkovitz, Mario Franćeski, Pierre Letier, Xiu-Tian Yan, Gwenole Henry, Albino Quaranta, Wiebke Brinkmann, Marko Jankovic, Sebastian Bartsch, Vangelis Kollias, Nikos Pogkas, Alessandro Fumagalli, Alessandro Pilati, Manfred Doermer
In Proceedings of the 69th International Astronautical Congress 2018, (IAC-2018), 01.10.-05.10.2018, Bremen, o. A., Oct/2018.
Multi-Functional Interface for Flexibility and Reconfigurability of Future European Space Robotic Systems
Javier Vinals, Eduardo Urgoiti, Gonzalo Guerr, Ignacio Valiente, Judit Esnoz-Larraya, Michel Ilzkovitz, Mario Franćeski, Pierre Letier, Xiu-Tian Yan, Gwenole Henry, Albino Quaranta, Wiebke Brinkmann, Marko Jankovic, Sebastian Bartsch, Alessandro Fumagalli, Manfred Doermer
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In Advances in Astronautics Science and Technology, Springer, volume 1, pages 1-15, Sep/2018.
Integrated Mechanical, Thermal, Data, and Power Transfer Interfaces for Future Space Robotics
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Design and evaluation of an end-effector for a reconfigurable multi-robot system for future planetary missions
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In Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 03.3.-10.3.2018, Big Sky, Montana, IEEE, pages 1-10, Mar/2018.
Concepts of active payload modules and end-effectors suitable for Standard Interface for Robotic Manipulation of Payloads in Future Space Missions (SIROM) interface
Marko Jankovic, Wiebke Brinkmann, Sebastian Bartsch, Roberto Palazzetti, Xiu Yan
In Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 03.3.-10.3.2018, Big Sky, Montana, IEEE, 2018.


Roberto Palazzetti, Karen Donaldson, Wiebke Wenzel, Sebastian Bartsch, Xiu-Tian Yan
In Proc. of. 68th International Astronautical Congress 2017, (IAC-17), 25.9.-29.9.2017, Adelaide, o.A., Sep/2017.
Mechanical, thermal, data and power transfer types for robotic space interfaces for orbital and planetary missions - a technical review
Wiebke Wenzel, Roberto Palazzetti, Xiu T. Yan, Sebastian Bartsch
In 14th Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation, (ASTRA-2017), 20.6.-22.6.2017, Leiden, o.A., 2017.

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last updated 25.02.2025