Micro Grid Innovation Center

The MGInnoC concept (Graphic: Elli Yüksel, DFKI GmbH)
The MGInnoC concept (Graphic: Elli Yüksel, DFKI GmbH)
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The „Micro Grid Innovation Center“ is funded by the „European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT)“ through the action line „Smart Energy Systems“ in the KIC “EIT-DIGITAL”. The goal of MGInnoC is to set the path towards a comprehensive, system-serving, cost effective, and market ready micro grid solution for the energy grid. The activity addresses the fundamental problem of an increasingly decentralized energy production from a technological as well as a business perspective. The activity will develop consulting services in the energy domain and demonstrate key system components for energy micro grids.

Duration: 01.01.2015 till 31.12.2015
Donee: German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH
Sponsor: EIT
Partner: Technische Universität Berlin, Deutsche Telekom AG, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A., Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Siemens AG, CWI, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Application Field: Electric Mobility

Project details

The activity addresses the fundamental problem of decentralized energy provisioning systems in two dimensions: In the technological dimension, a novel ICT control architecture is envisaged which will for the first time combine critical features for the empowerment of local solutions: Systemic openness and portability with respect to the micro-grid configuration, security and stability management, flexible algorithmic solutions for the multi-scale balancing problem, and a backend aggregation functionality for marketability towards energy markets.

In the business dimension, the activity takes on the nontrivial scaling problem: Local solutions tend to be highly individualistic given the specifics of the generation, consumption and storage functions – there will be no easily scalable blueprints.

The goal of MGInnoC is to set the path towards a comprehensive, system-serving, cost effective, market ready micro grid solution. The ambition of the activity is to develop a consulting framework together with a suitable reference architecture that will comprise a configurator, a dimensioning engine,  and a revenue estimator acknowledging incentives, tax reductions, markets and price-building in different European contexts. In parallel, preparations to set up a micro smart grid demonstrator will be made.

As a societal result, the decentralization shift of the general provisioning framework is facilitated with a powerful tool and a new product ready to boost decentralized electricity generation while supporting strong environmental goals towards a green(er) society. A web consulting framework shall be capable of transferring the Activity results to various kinds of projects with specific local needs. A best practice example for this is Thermondo where customers can easily calculate the economic benefits of a new power (heat) supply system and get an immediate offer to buy a tailored system matching their needs.

Key output is a Scalable Micro Grid solution for the mass market: A practical Micro Grid operational scheme that can be integrated in the energy grid and includes a multi-device top-level controller solution, detailed techno-economic simulations, and a web-based configuration tool.

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last updated 25.02.2025