Micro Grid Innovation Center

The „Micro Grid Innovation Center“ is funded by the „European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT)“ through the action line „Smart Energy Systems“ in the KIC “EIT-DIGITAL”. The goal of MGInnoC is to set the path towards a comprehensive, system-serving, cost effective, and market ready micro grid solution for the energy grid. The activity addresses the fundamental problem of an increasingly decentralized energy production from a technological as well as a business perspective. The activity will develop consulting services in the energy domain and demonstrate key system components for energy micro grids.

Duration: 01.01.2015 till 31.12.2015
Donee: German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH
Sponsor: EIT
Partner: Technische Universität Berlin, Deutsche Telekom AG, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A., Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Siemens AG, CWI, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Application Field: Electric Mobility

Project details

The activity addresses the fundamental problem of decentralized energy provisioning systems in two dimensions: In the technological dimension, a novel ICT control architecture is envisaged which will for the first time combine critical features for the empowerment of local solutions: Systemic openness and portability with respect to the micro-grid configuration, security and stability management, flexible algorithmic solutions for the multi-scale balancing problem, and a backend aggregation functionality for marketability towards energy markets.

In the business dimension, the activity takes on the nontrivial scaling problem: Local solutions tend to be highly individualistic given the specifics of the generation, consumption and storage functions – there will be no easily scalable blueprints.

The goal of MGInnoC is to set the path towards a comprehensive, system-serving, cost effective, market ready micro grid solution. The ambition of the activity is to develop a consulting framework together with a suitable reference architecture that will comprise a configurator, a dimensioning engine,  and a revenue estimator acknowledging incentives, tax reductions, markets and price-building in different European contexts. In parallel, preparations to set up a micro smart grid demonstrator will be made.

As a societal result, the decentralization shift of the general provisioning framework is facilitated with a powerful tool and a new product ready to boost decentralized electricity generation while supporting strong environmental goals towards a green(er) society. A web consulting framework shall be capable of transferring the Activity results to various kinds of projects with specific local needs. A best practice example for this is Thermondo where customers can easily calculate the economic benefits of a new power (heat) supply system and get an immediate offer to buy a tailored system matching their needs.

Key output is a Scalable Micro Grid solution for the mass market: A practical Micro Grid operational scheme that can be integrated in the energy grid and includes a multi-device top-level controller solution, detailed techno-economic simulations, and a web-based configuration tool.

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last updated 04.01.2024