Hi-Digit Pro 4.0
Flexible High-Lift Wing Assembly with a Digital and Efficient High-Rate Production in the Industry 4.0
The project aims to enable the avionics industry 4.0 to remain globally competitive in the future. In the context of high lift wing assembly, approaches to improve flexibility and cost efficiency of production processes are to be developed. Project partners are working together on different levels to provide the necessary infrastructure and to implement the relevant processes and technologies for this new approach to organise the production chain and the digital twins of assemblies and processes. This part of the project is specifically concerned with the implementation of a software system for the simulation and the adaptive optimization of the planning and organization of assembly processes.
Duration: | 01.01.2018 till 31.03.2021 |
Donee: | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH |
Sponsor: | Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action |
Grant number: | Grant Number: 20X1724C |
Partner: |
Airbus Operations GmbH (consortium manager) German Aerospace Center DLR GEOMETRIC Europe GmbH 3D.aero GmbH
Application Field: | Logistics, Production and Consumer |
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Project details
In order to increase efficiency and optimize utilization of available capacities in production facilities it is necessary to quickly adapt to changing requirements like client requests, material shortages, and other deviations from the most recent plan. The non-trivial complexity of production processes and relevant state variables renders it currently infeasible to produce and evaluate different courses of action by hand.
To enable a better handling of this situation in the context of a highly dynamic production environment, a virtual, simulated production environment shall be developed. This serves the purpose to evaluate interdependent task schedules with respect to available resources, dependencies between tasks and other relevant factors.
In a simulated production environment robotic agents carry out intralogistics tasks. For this planning, algorithms and autonomous navigation-schemes are developed in order to establish a minimal-conflict transportation and to provide the required parts for the assembly workers at all times.
By continuously updating the state variables that define the starting point of the simulation the system will be able to provide viable response behaviors to anomalies in production immediately. In order to achieve this, an integration with the digital twin representation of the actual production environment is possible. The other project partners are working on these related tasks simultaneously.
The specific tasks that make up the production process are modeled according to the real environment in order to increase the relevance and improve the transferability to the industrial setting. In order to facilitate a long-term usefulness and a broader applicability of the system, a focus is put on extendability and transferability.
Hi-Digit Pro 4.0: Automated intralogistics in a simulated production environment