ESA-NPI 2015

Distributed Computation in Autonomous Robotic Systems

(Graphic: David Schikora, DFKI GmbH)
(Graphic: David Schikora, DFKI GmbH)
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Modern robotic systems are becoming more and more complex either in mechanical, electronical or software domain. The electronical and software complexity hereby comes from the shift away from a centralized control system to multiple, distributed and heterogeneous processing units and their interconnection. How this heterogeneity of hardware – including reconfigurable hardware – can be transformed to homogeneity in programmability is one of the central questions in this project.

Duration: 01.04.2015 till 31.03.2018
Donee: German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH
Sponsor: ESA
Grant number: Contract 4000113918/15/NL/SFe
Application Field: Space Robotics
Related Projects: D-Rock
Models, methods and tools for the model based software development of robots (06.2015- 05.2018)



Seamless Integration of Reconfigurable Hardware into the Robotic Development Process
Moritz Schilling
In Proceedings of the 14th Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation, (ASTRA-2017), 20.6.-22.6.2017, Leiden, ESA, 2017. ESA ESTEC.

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last updated 25.02.2025