
Dual-arm exoskeleton

CAPIO upper-body dual-arm exoskeleton (Source: Annemarie Hirth/Niels Will, DFKI GmbH)
CAPIO upper-body dual-arm exoskeleton (Source: Annemarie Hirth/Niels Will, DFKI GmbH)
Scientific Leader:
Project leader:
Dr.-Ing. Jan Albiez
Contact person:

Capio develops a universal, wearable, lightweight upper-body dual-arm exoskeleton, primarily targeted at teleoperation tasks. A study concerning robotic rehabilitation will establish a basis for research activities in this area. Sensor information of the remote systems will be applied directly to the operator's body in real time through a feedback mechanism that relies on the actuated system.

Duration: 01.01.2011 till 31.12.2013
Donee: German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH
Sponsor: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Grant number: This project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), grant no. 01IW10001
Application Field: Assistance- and Rehabilitation Systems
Related Projects: VI-Bot
Virtual Immersion for holistic feedback control of semi-autonomous robots (01.2008- 12.2010)
Intelligent Man-Machine Interface - Adaptive Brain-reading for assistive robotics (05.2010- 04.2015)
Related Software: CAD-2-SIM
Computer Aided Design To Simulation

Project details

For a wide operating range the system includes 20 active degrees of freedom (DOFs) and 9 passive DOFs. (Source: Annemarie Hirth, DFKI GmbH)

Remote controlled robots are indispensable tools for exploration of and operation in hazardous environments. The systems, their action spaces, and their tasks have reached a level of complexity that makes it increasingly difficult for operators or even state-of-the-art artificial intelligence to control them.

An exoskeleton is one example of a Human-Machine Interface (HMI) facilitating realistic interaction between an operator and a robotic system. It partially captures the movement of the human body and maps it to commands the remote system is able to understand. Likewise, feedback generated by the remote system may give the operator the illusion of being part of the setting. Exoskeletons may also contribute to the developing application domain of robotic rehabilitation.

Based on the findings of the VI-Bot project, Capio aims at developing a universal, wearable, lightweight upper-body dual-arm exoskeleton applicable for teleoperation tasks. A study concerning robotic rehabilitation will establish a basis for research activities in this area. The design of the exoskeleton strongly benefits from the VI-Bot project but goes well beyond the current state of the art in mechatronics, control, and kinematic mapping, i.e. the process of mapping the user input to the actuatory capabilities of the target system. The material, design, and manufacturing processes for the exoskeleton are further optimised, adapted for the new application, and thereby brought to the next level concerning integration of sensory devices into flexible or rigid structure. Sensor information of the remote systems will be applied directly to the operator's body in real time through a feedback mechanism that relies on the actuated system. New approaches for controlling such a system, anticipating actions of either involved parties, and handling kinemantics and dynamics efficiently in real-time are indispensable for Capio.


Capio: Passive Exoskeleton

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Demo showing the CAPIO passive Exoskeleton controlling AILA.

Capio Exoskeleton

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Demonstration of the Capio active upper body exoskeleton in teleoperation scenarios.



Unified View on Complex Numbers and Quaternions
Bertold Bongardt
In The 14th IFToMM World Congress, 25.10.-30.10.2015, Taipei, The 14th IFToMM World Congress, Oct/2015.
The CAPIO Active Upper Body Exoskeleton and its Application for Teleoperation
Martin Mallwitz, Niels Will, Johannes Teiwes, Elsa Andrea Kirchner
In Proceedings of the 13th Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation, (ASTRA-2015), ESA, 2015.


The CAPIO Active Upper Body Exoskeleton
Martin Mallwitz, Luis Manuel Vaca Benitez, Bertold Bongardt, Niels Will
In Workshop Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2014, (ICRA-2014), 31.5.-05.6.2014, Hong Kong, o.A., Jun/2014.
Object Recognition and Localization: The Role of Tactile Sensors
Achint Aggarwal, Frank Kirchner
In Sensors - Open Access Journal, MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland, volume 14 - Special Issue on Tactile Sensors and Sensing Systems, number 2, pages 3227-3266, Feb/2014.
Geometric Characterization of the Workspace of Non-Orthogonal Rotation Axes
Bertold Bongardt
In Journal of Geometric Mechanics, AIMS and CSIC, volume 6, number 2, pages 141-166, 2014.


Human Force Discrimination during Active Arm Motion for Force Feedback Design
Shams Feyzabadi, Sirko Straube, Michele Folgheraiter, Elsa Andrea Kirchner, Su-Kyoung Kim, Jan Albiez
In IEEE Transactions on Haptics, oA, volume 6, number 3, pages 309-319, Nov/2013.
Sheth-Uicker convention revisited
Bertold Bongardt
In Mechanism and Machine Theory, Elsevier, volume 69, pages 200-229, Jul/2013.
Towards Assistive Robotics for Home Rehabilitation
Elsa Andrea Kirchner, Jan Albiez, Anett Seeland, Mathias Jordan, Frank Kirchner
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices, (BIODEVICES-13), 11.2.-14.2.2013, Barcelona, o.A., Feb/2013.
An EMG-based assistive orthosis for upper limb rehabilitation
Luis Manuel Vaca Benitez, Niels Will, Marc Tabie, Steffen Schmidt, Elsa Andrea Kirchner, Jan Albiez
In International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices, (BIODEVICES-2013), 11.2.-14.2.2013, Barcelona, o.A., Feb/2013.


Sheth-Uicker Convention Revisited -- A Normal Form for Specifying Mechanisms
Bertold Bongardt
series DFKI Research Reports, volume 12-01, Jul/2012. Robotics Innovation Center Bremen.
Model-Based Control and Design of a Low-Pressure Fluid Actuation System for Haptic Devices
Mathias Jordan, Luis Manuel Vaca Benitez, Steffen Schmidt, Michele Folgheraiter, Jan Albiez
Editors: Hubert Borgmann
In Proceedings der Actuator 2012, (ACTUATOR-12), 18.6.-20.6.2012, Bremen, WFB die Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen, pages 295-298, Jun/2012. ISBN: 978-3-933339-19-5.


CAD-2-SIM - Kinematic Modeling of Mechanisms Based on the Sheth-Uicker Convention
Bertold Bongardt
Editors: Honghai Liu, Sabina Jeschke, Daniel Schilberg
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference, (ICIRA-11), 06.12.-08.12.2011, Aachen, Springer, volume Part I, pages 465-477, Dec/2011. ISBN: 978-3-642-25485-7.
Dual-arm upper-body exoskeleton for telerobotics and rehabilitation
Michele Folgheraiter
In Proceedings of Robotica 2011, (Robotica-2011), 16.11.-19.11.2011, Milano, Artenergy Publishing, Nov/2011.

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last updated 25.02.2025