Environment Representation: Antecedents and Directions
Javier Hidalgo Carrió, Sascha Arnold, Raúl Domínguez, Yong-Ho Yoo, Arne Böckmann, Anna Born, Behnam Asadi
series DFKI Documents, volume 15-03, Sep/2015. DFKI GmbH.
Environment perception is a key functionality for the robot to navigate across unknown environments. Stateof-
the-Art representations of such environments are suitable for the robot to navigate and construct the
environment while driving (e.g.: SLAM). However the interchange of such information among robotic subsystems
is mostly limited or some cases impossible. The robot collects and generates rich amount of perceptive
data while driving across the terrain. When performing isolated or complicated tasks like localization
and mapping the same environment representation might be used with almost zero cost. Conversely, when
robots perform complex mission scenarios other subsystems (i.e.: perception, planning, internal simulation,
telemetry, etc.) have the requirements to actively inter and exchange information in an effective manner.
Environment Representation (EnviRe) technologies are meant to close the gap and provide techniques to
store, operate and interchange information within a robotic system. The application of EnviRe mainly focus
to support navigation, simulation and operations and simplify the interchange of algorithms among software