Reconfigurable Hardware-Based Acceleration for Machine Learning and Signal Processing
Hendrik Wöhrle, Frank Kirchner
In Formal Modeling and Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems: 1st International Summer School on Methods and Tools for the Design of Digital Systems, (SyDe-2015), 09.9.-11.9.2015, Bremen, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 311-313, Sep/2015.
Certain application areas of signal processing and machine learning, such as robotics, impose technical limitations on the computing hardware, which make the use of generic processors unfeasible. In this paper we propose a framework for the development of data ow accelerators as a possible solution. The approach is based on model based development and code generation to allow a rapid development of the accelerators and perform a functional verification of the overall system.
Robotics, Embedded Systems, FPGA, Hardware Acceleration