Evaluation of cooperative exploration strategies using full system simulation
Sebastian Kasperski, Markus Eich, Johannes Wollenberg
In Advanced Robotics (ICAR), 2013 16th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, (ICAR-13), 25.11.-29.11.2013, Montevideo, IEEE, pages 1-6, Nov/2013.

Abstract :

This paper compares different state-of-the-art exploration strategies for teams of mobile robots exploring an unknown environment. The goal is to help in determining a best strategy for a given multi-robot scenario and optimization target. Experiments are done in a 2D-simulation environment with 5 robots that are equipped with a horizontal laser range finder. Required components like SLAM, path planning and obstacle avoidance of every robot are included in a full-system simulation. To evaluate different strategies the time to finish exploration, the number of measurements that have been integrated into the map and the development in size of the explored area over time are used. The results of extensive test runs on three environments with different characteristics show that simple strategies can perform fairly well in many situations but specialized strategies can improve performance with regards to their targeted evaluation measure.





last updated 28.02.2023