Using a self-confidence measure for a system-initiated switch between autonomy modes
Thomas M. Roehr, Yuping Shi
In i-SAIRAS 2010 The International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space, (iSAIRAS-10), 29.8.-01.9.2010, Sapporo, o.A., pages 507-514, Aug/2010.
This paper presents preliminary results of the ongoing project RIMRES – Reconfigurable Integrated Multi-Robot Exploration System. The paper outlines the concept of a novel approach for realising sliding autonomy with a mixed team of humans and robots. In order to increase the overall team efficiency, a formalised trust based relationship between operator and system is suggested, allowing a robotic system to use a self-confidence measure to actively control its autonomy mode. This paper provides a survey on the current state of the art in the relevant
field and gives an outline of the developed concept and its motivation. To support the understanding of the concept initial experimental results are presented, followed by a discussion of the concept.