Modular EPS for small mobile Robotic Space Systems
Benjamin Hülsen, Patrick Schöberl, Niklas A. Mulsow
In 13th European Space Power Conference, (ESPC-2023), 02.10.-06.10.2023, Elche, ESA / IEEE, ESA-ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1 2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Oct/2023. ESA Conference Bureau.

Abstract :

Within this paper we present the design and implementation of the electrical power system (EPS) for a small lunar rover. We are giving insight in the design of the EPS, the tailoring to the rover system requirements, and component selection. The EPS is designed to act as technology demonstrator for testing different electrical energy storage technologies to be used for future space applications. Experimental results of the evaluation of supercapacitors are described. The presented results are based on the DFKI's outcome of the project SEARCH

Keywords :

EPS, GaN-FET, MPPT, Supercapacitor, Space Robotics



last updated 28.02.2023