Enhancing Mobile Manipulation with Synchronized Arm-Locomotion Control
J. Ricardo Sánchez-Ibáñez, Raúl Domínguez, Florian Cordes, Carlos J. Pérez-del-Pulgar
In 15th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space (i-SAIRAS '20), (i-SAIRAS-2020), 19.10.-23.10.2020, Online-Conference, o.A., Oct/2020.

Abstract :

Autonomy on rovers with robotic arms is desirable towards speeding up tasks like sample fetching. This premise is the cornerstone of the work presented in this paper. We describe here the software developed to plan and control the motion of a mobile manipulator, part of the ongoing H2020 project ADE. Its utilization is complemented with the simulation environment MARS, which serves to check the viability of those motion plans created specifically for extreme cases, like when the sample is located on top of a quite difficult terrain. Furthermore, we provide details regarding a series of tests carried out in Bremen with the SherpaTT rover, with the purpose of validating the implementation of the software and its use on a case where a hypothetical sample is hardly accessible.



last updated 28.02.2023