Space Robotic Systems and Artificial Intelligence in the Context of the European Space Technology Roadmap
Wiebke Brinkmann, Florian Cordes, Christian Ernst Siegfried Koch, Malte Wirkus, Raúl Dominguez, Alexander Dettmann, Thomas Vögele, Frank Kirchner
In Proceedings of Space Tech Conferences, 19.11.-21.11.2019, Bremen, o.A., 2019.

Abstract :

This paper describes the activities of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence - Robotics Innovation Center (DFKI RIC) and its involved robotic systems SherpaTT and Mantis within the European Space Robotics Technologies Research Cluster (SRC) program. This program is divided into several phases which build on each other. Within this program, key technologies for space application were developed in five so-called Operational Grants (OGs) during the first phase. The program has two tracks, the orbital track aims at developing technologies for satellite missions, while the planetary track is focussed on planetary exploration operations, for example on Martian or Lunar surface. In a sixth OG, the technologies have been successfully demonstrated in an earth analogue mission for the planetary track and laboratory experiments within the orbital track. Currently running is the second phase with five further OGs. The outcomes of the first phase are summarized in this paper and the current activities within the second phase are presented. The focus is on the OGs PULSAR, ADE and PRO-ACT in which DFKI RIC is part of the respective consortium. This paper concludes with an outlook on the call for the third and final phase of the SRC program.




last updated 28.02.2023