Model Simplification For Dynamic Control of Series-Parallel Hybrid Robots - A Representative Study on the Effects of Neglected Dynamics
Shivesh Kumar, Julius Martensen, Andreas Mueller, Frank Kirchner
In Proceedings in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, (IROS-2019), 04.11.-08.11.2019, Macau, IEEE, Dec/2019.
It is becoming increasingly popular to use parallel
mechanisms as modular subsystem units in the design of various
robots for their superior stiffness, payload-to-weight ratio and
dynamic properties. This leads to series-parallel hybrid robotic
systems which pose several challenges in their modeling and
control e.g. resolution of loop closure constraints, large size
of their spanning tree etc. These robots are typically positioncontrolled
and when equipped with real time dynamic control,
often a simplified inverse dynamic model of these systems is
utilized. However, the trade-offs of this model simplification
has not been studied previously. This paper presents a representative
study of the neglected dynamics by introducing some
error metrics which are useful in highlighting the advantages
and disadvantages of such model simplification. The study is
guided with the help of a series-parallel humanoid leg which
has been recently developed at DFKI-RIC.