PLS Bremen-Oldenburg

regional project center of the Model Region Electric Mobility Bremen/Oldenburg

The regional project center of the Model Region Electric Mobility Bremen/Oldenburg serves as central point of contact for all issues related to electric mobility . Here, all activities and projects within the model region are pooled and linked with the aim to push and structurally establish electric mobility in the region. The regional project center of the Model Region Electro Mobility Bremen/Oldenburg is managed both by the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials (IFAM).

Duration: 01.09.2010 till 31.08.2014
Donee: German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH
Sponsor: Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development
Grant number: 03EM0401B This project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development. The program coordination is carried out by the NOW GmbH National Organization Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology.
Partner: Fraunhofer IFAM
Application Field: Electric Mobility
Related Projects: New Mobility in Rural Regions
Applied Electric Mobility – Technology Concepts – Mobility effects (10.2010- 03.2014)

Project details

In July 2009, with the regional project center the foundations were laid for the Model Region Electric Mobility Bremen/Oldenburg. In the next stages, the successful implementation and positioning during market preparation will be maintained and significantly intensified.
The regional project center will take on the following tasks:

  • Administration and coordination of the overall project.
  • Reporting to the national program coordinator.
  • Monitoring and organization of memberships and structures of the partners in the model region and beyond.
  • Regional, national, and international networking activities.
  • Interface between the representatives of the federal and local authorities of the model region and beyond.
  • Integration and coordination of actors in the model region.
  • Initiation of further projects and activities as part of the model region.
  • Development of strategies and roadmaps.
  • Communication and public relations.

Thus, the regional project center serves as a catalyst for the Model Region Bremen/Oldenburg and the implementation of national strategies in the Region NorthWest.

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last updated 04.01.2024