Human-integrated Swarm Exploration

Swarm Exploration © Joris Wegner, Universität Bremen
Swarm Exploration © Joris Wegner, Universität Bremen

The main goal of this project is the development of a framework as well as the design, investigation and proof-of-concept demonstration of algorithms and technologies to implement human integrated swarm exploration. The central research hypothesis of the project is that by using the tools of probabilistic learning, semantic context, and visualization of scientific data, we will be able to tightly integrate exploration with communication and integrate humans into the swarm - we extend distributed AI towards Distributed Human and Artificial Intelligence.

Duration: 01.01.2022 till 31.01.2025
Donee: University of Bremen
Sponsor: Central Research Development Fund (CRDF), Universität Bremen

Department of Communications Engineering, University of Bremen
Bremen Institute for Structural Mechanics and Production Systems, University of Bremen

Application Field: Space Robotics

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last updated 25.02.2025