
Internal Simulation for Autonomy Enhancement in Robotics: Theoretical Approach

The central idea of this research is to formalize how and why an Internal complex Simulation (IS) is useful in the context of autonomous robotics. Some cognitive scientists have researched on the idea of the brain being an internal simulator to explain thinking [1, 2]. This research aims to formally apply into robotics ideas from these theories and describe its limitations and potential uses. The first challenge is to define conceptually what an Internal Simulation is. From that definition, the capabilities and limitations of an IS will be the main question aimed to be answered.
At first, some relevant literature will be described. The review will be presented in a taxonomy which will also be used to circumscribe the knowledge areas to which this PhD aims to contribute.

Next, the related scientific goals and a use case scenario in the context of the project Entern will be presented. Entern will be the first research project in which this approach will be applied. Pursuing to formally present the introduced ideas, a conceptual framework with a tentative components architecture and a method will be introduced.

Finally, the next steps in the research activity will be presented before the questions and feedback round.


[1] Lawrence W Barsalou.  Perceptual symbol systems.  Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 22(04):577–609; discussion 610–660, August 1999. ISSN 0140-525X.  doi: 10.1017/S0140525X99002149.

[2] Germund Hesslow.  The current status of the simulation theory of cognition.  Brain research, 1428:71–9, January 2012. ISSN 1872-6240. doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2011.06.026.

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last updated 31.03.2023