
Structural analysis and design of a micro-rover for lunar applications based on Coyote III

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the structural survivability of an existing Rover model (Coyote III) for use in space.
A Rover experiences various structural loads throughout the course of the mission.
These include the intense vibration experienced during the rocket launch, the lunar landing, and the operational use on the lunar surface.
In this work, significant emphasis is placed on the loads during rocket launch.
Modal and frequency response analyses are particularly relevant in this context.
An accurate forecast regarding the researched model's ability to survive the applied loads is made with the aid of the carried-out analysis.
Based on this prediction, further evaluations of the Rover’s design are carried out. This also implies the challenge of replicating accurate environmental launch conditions that can be assumed to be representative for a lunar mission.
A structural model for a Rover, based on the design of Coyote III, is created using a deliberate meshing approach. Prior to simulation, minor adaptations are implemented, which are essential for space applications.
Based on this ‘Baseline Model’, an established analysis workflow is performed, providing an estimation of the structural performance of the origin model.
In an iterative manner, critical components could be highlighted and structurally more resilient design adaptations suggested. The iteration process resulted in the bifurcation of different designs, each of which was pursued separately. Of these, one design implements the use of additional structural supporting structures for critical components, while the other suggests a foldable design approach.
While an evaluation regarding the mechanical feasibility is to be carried out in future work, both designs suggest promising structural results for the applied launch specifications.
A design selection based on a trade study is conducted to find the most viable system design for the current status.
Through the findings of this work, the survivability of a modified version of Coyote III is demonstrated via simulations.
Crucial system designs are highlighted, and the knowledge gathered can be used for the layout of further Rover missions.

In der Regel sind die Vorträge Teil von Lehrveranstaltungsreihen der Universität Bremen und nicht frei zugänglich. Bei Interesse wird um Rücksprache mit dem Sekretariat unter sek-ric(at)dfki.de gebeten.

last updated 31.03.2023