
3D-Terrain Map Generation And Surface Classification for SpaceClimber Robot

The project SpaceClimber is currently under development.Since the intended purpose of the robot is its subsequent deployment in extraterrestrial crater and rocky surface exploration activities, a 3D terrain map is useful in navigational guidance planning and execution. The different surfaces viz. rocky surface, sand etc encountered during navigation would provide additional information which assist in route planning. This surface information plays an important role in the decision to steer away from an obstacle or climb up over it. Slip phenomenon is dependent on the surface on which the Robot walks, so this information plays a significant role in locomotion control and drive.Further, the knowledge about the temperature of the surface provides an additional insight about the thermal stress inducible, thereby facilitating real time navigation course correction.The scope of the thesis incorporates the following salient objectives:


1. Surface Classification on which the SpaceClimber Robot is subjected to.

2. Development of 3D-Terrain Map from exteroceptive and proprioceptive sensor information from the foot and leg sensors.

3. Development of Temperature Map of the Terrain.

4. Integration of the 3D-Terrain Map and Temperature Map within the existing simulation environment.


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last updated 31.03.2023