Prototypic realization of a Rendez-Vous and Capture (RvC) system
The rover Artemis, developed at the DFKI Robotics Innovation Center, has been equipped with a penetrometer that measures the soil's…
PACOMA is a flexible robotic system for space missions, using a spring-tendon design and RUS kinematics. It ensures precise control,…
Asguard v4 during the Vulcano Summer School of 2023. The rover was involved in various autonomous navigation tests and data collection…
Autonomous and remote-controlled navigation in a lava tube during the final field tests of the project Entern in 2017.
On the ground, under water, in space and for humans.
In cooperation with the producer of the TBMs, the company NFM Technologies, DFKI RIC will develop a robotic arm to inspect, clean and…
Robots that explore unknown waters, map the seabed, recover contaminated sites or inspect offshore wind farms - the Robotics Innovation…
Around 900 visitors, including many school classes, took the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes and learn about research in the…
DFKI and the University of Duisburg-Essen conduct experiments on fine motor skills in weightlessness
The exoskeleton experiment was one of eleven selected experiments on board the aircraft and involved the participation of six test subjects.
The DFKI Quad B12 robot is an exciting research platform under development in the Underactuated Lab at DFKI RIC. The video showcases a range…
This paper presents the design, analysis, and performance evaluation of RicMonk, a novel three-link brachiation robot equipped with passive…
Wir blicken auf ein ereignisreiches Jahr 2024 zurück, das uns viele spannende Entwicklungen in der Robotik gebracht hat. Nun möchten wir…
The aim of the project is to design and develop a semi-autonomous, mobile system that is capable of harvesting fruit independent of human…
In the event of a disaster, every second counts. To save valuable time and increase the safety of emergency personnel, the DFKI Robotics…
The DFKI project Romatris was involved as a participant in the Bremerhaven disaster control exercise (scenario - storm surge) on June 15,…
SherpaTT demonstrating its ability to keep ist body level during drives through rough terrain.