
Vector Field Visualization in Oil Industry Applications

Vector fields are common products of physics simulations. Simulations over black-oil reservoirs, for instance, can generate oil, water and gas flow data. For better understanding of such data, it is interesting to use a visualization technique that allows better identification of both local characteristics and global tendencies.
This presentation focus on research conducted at the Computer Graphics Technology Group (Tecgraf/PUC-Rio) targeting the development of a general purpose technique for imaging 3D vector fields over arbitrary surfaces using 2D line integral convolution as basis. The results of this research are available in two real-world software suites targeted at the oil industry.

In der Regel sind die Vorträge Teil von Lehrveranstaltungsreihen der Universität Bremen und nicht frei zugänglich. Bei Interesse wird um Rücksprache mit dem Sekretariat unter sek-ric(at)dfki.de gebeten.

zuletzt geändert am 31.03.2023