
E-Mobility and artificial intelligence: Intelligent Concepts for the Vehicle of Tomorrow

The project eConceptCar is attempting the development of an intelligent and efficient electric car which can change its form morphologically and comes with modular components. Thereby, the vehicle will be in a position to differentiate between different drive modes and to adjust the contour of the vehicle to each individual mobility requirement. Because of its distributed drives, the eConceptCar will be highly flexible, also in narrow spaces such as in city centres or car parks, and can, for instance, be parked in parallel. Through the integration of artificial intelligence, the vehicle will be partly autonomous and will meet high mobility requirements. An integrated communication system will allow the user to communicate with neighbouring vehicles in the driving network and the overall traffic system. In this network lies the potential of a highly developed, intelligent electro-mobile infrastructure. Through the interconnection of the traffic, working analogically to social networks, and because of its modularity, the possibility of e-sharing will evolve: Vehicles will be coupling on individual road sections which will see to an optimized energy management. Intelligent vehicle systems and infrastructures will enable the parallel inductive charging for a number of different electric vehicles independent of the type of battery or plug connection. Moreover, the intermediate charging through induction loops in front of traffic lights or at significant road sections will be possible. The billing will be carried out automatically and user-friendly.


Raum Seminarraum 117, Robert-Hooke-Str. 5 in Bremen

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zuletzt geändert am 31.03.2023
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